19.02.030   Adoption or amendment procedures.
   A.   The County shall adopt or amend the LUA and IIP as follows:
   1.   The County shall conduct a public hearing on the draft IIP and LUA or amendments at least 30 days before approving or disapproving the IIP. Notice of the hearing shall be posted on the County's website, along with the draft IIP, LUA, and any other documents used in preparation, a minimum of 60 days prior to the hearing.
   2.   The County shall approve or disapprove the LUA and IIP or amendment within 60 days after the public hearing and at least 30 days before the public hearing on the fee study.
   3.   The County may update the IIP and/or LUA without a public hearing if the proposed changes will not increase the level of service or cause an increase in development fees by more than 5%. The county shall provide notice of the amendment at least 30 days prior to adoption and post the proposed amendments to its website.
   B.   The County shall adopt or amend the impact fee study as follows:
   1.   The County shall conduct a public hearing on the impact fee study at least 30 days after the adoption or approval of the IIP and at least 30 days before the scheduled date of adoption of the fees. The County must give at least 30 days' advance notice of intention to assess new or increased impact fees.
   2.   The County shall approve or disapprove the impact fee study within 60 days after the public hearing.
   3.   Adopted or amended fees shall become effective no sooner than 90 days after adoption. (Ord. 2020-27 § 1 (part), 2020)