Within this article and Article IV of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
1. "Chemical toilet" means a toilet having a watertight, impervious pail or tank containing a chemical solution placed immediately beneath the seat and a pipe or conduit connecting the riser with the tank.
2. "Earth-pit privy" means a device for disposal of human excreta in a pit in the earth.
3. "Engineer" means the person or firm which designed the sewage works and conceived, developed, executed or supervised the preparation of the plan documents.
4. "Human excreta" means human fecal and urinary discharges and includes any waste containing such material.
5. "Incinerator toilet" or "incinerator privy" means a toilet or privy designed to permit destruction of excreta by incineration using LP gas, natural gas, or other source of heat to effect destruction of the body wastes.
6. "Individual septic tank system" means a method of sewage disposal consisting of a settling tank and subsurface disposal field or seepage pit.
7. "Industrial waste hauler" means a person using equipment and vehicles for the collection, transportation and disposal of industrial waste at a facility provided by Pima County.
8. "Pail or can-type privy" means a privy equipped with a watertight container directly under the seat for receiving deposits of human excreta and having provisions for the removal of receptacles for emptying and cleaning.
9. "Septic tank cleaner" means a person using equipment and vehicles for the collection, transportation and disposal of human excreta.
10. "Treatment works" means any plant or other works used for the purpose of treating, stabilizing or storing wastes.
11. "Vault privy" means a privy for disposal of human excreta into a vault which is lined with impervious material and which provides access for the removal of excreta.
12. "Wastes" means sewage, industrial waste, and all other liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive, or other substance which may pollute or tend to pollute any waters of the state. The term "wastes" does not include agricultural irrigation and drainage waters for which water quality standards have been established by the state of Arizona.
13. "Wastewater management" means that agency responsible for the operation of sewage treatment in the county or its successors.
14. "Water closet" means a water-flush toilet for disposal of human excreta into an approved water carriage sewage disposal system.
(Ord. 1996-49 § 27, 1996: Ord. 1991-137 § 13 (part), 1991)