18.92.020   Definitions.
   A.   Definitions: For purposes of this chapter only, the following terms shall mean:
      1.   Comprehensive plan: The most recent adopted comprehensive plan of Pima County, including but not limited to any adopted amendments to or updates of the comprehensive plan, as well as any adopted special area policies or rezoning policies of the comprehensive plan.
      2.   Department: The Pima County development services department.
      3.   Development rights: The maximum development that would be allowed on a lot or parcel in the sending property under the Pima County comprehensive plan or zoning code applicable to the sending property in effect on the date this chapter is adopted, whichever provides greater density or intensity of use, or both, respecting the permitted use, area, bulk or height of improvements made to one or more lots or parcels.
      4.   Sending area: All those lands designated on the Pima County development rights sending area overlay map attached as Exhibit A to this ordinance. Each lot or parcel, or portion of a lot or parcel, contained within the sending area designated on that map qualifies as one or more of the following types of lands:
         a.   An "important riparian area", "biological core management area", "special species management area", or "critical landscape connection" designated in the Pima County conservation lands system, each of which qualifies as natural habitat; or
         b.   A "high noise or accident potential zone" of a "military airport" or an "ancillary military facility", as those three terms are defined in A.R.S. § 28-8461; or
         c.   A floodplain, geologic feature, recreation area or parkland, or land that has unique aesthetic, architectural or historic value.
      5.   Sending property: Any lot or parcel, or portion of a lot or parcel, contained in a sending area.
      6.   Receiving area: All those areas of Pima County designated on the Pima County development rights receiving area overlay map attached as Exhibit B to this ordinance.
      7.   Receiving property: Any lot or parcel, or portion of a lot or parcel, contained in a receiving area, within which development rights are increased under the comprehensive plan, a specific plan, if any, or the zoning code, whichever provides greater density or intensity of use or, if applicable, both, in effect prior to a transfer of development rights and an amendment to the comprehensive plan, specific plan, zoning code, or a rezoning of the property, whichever is required to implement the increase in development rights.
(Ord. 2007-7 § 1 (part), 2007)