18.72.080   Preservation plan submittal, review, and appeal.
   A.   Consultation. Prior to the submittal of a preservation plan, the property owner is encouraged to consult with the planning division regarding specific submittal requirements.
   B.   Submittal. For projects requiring a preservation plan, submittals shall be made in conformance with the following requirements:
      1.   A preservation plan application shall be filed with the office of the subdivision coordinator for processing concurrently with the filing of grading plans and tentative plats or development plans for the same project.
      2.   All preservation plan applications shall include at a minimum all of the following:
         a.   Two (2) hard paper copies of all preservation plan documents;
         b.   One (1) integrated electronic copy of all reports, text, charts, graphs, tables, analyses, and calculations in an electronic format and media acceptable to the planning division;
         c.   Number of copies as determined during preliminary consultation with the planning division for all other plan submittals; and
         d.   The required preservation plan fee payable to the Pima County treasurer.
      3.   Incomplete submittals that do not comply with the submittal and preparation requirements of this chapter will not be reviewed. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the property owner with comments from the planning division explaining the area(s) of incompleteness.
   C.   Preservation plan review.
      1.   The planning division shall review the preservation plan for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable codes, regulations and special requirements.
      2.   Within ten (10) working days of a complete submittal, the planning division shall complete its review of the preservation plan and then notify the applicant in writing regarding any required revisions, corrections, or resubmittals, except that the ten- (10) day review period will not begin until the property owner has first submitted a grading plan and tentative plat or development plan for the project for county review. Preservation plans are reviewed by the planning division in the same manner and concurrent with other reviews for project grading plans, tentative and final plats and development plans. Comments regarding requirements for preservation plan corrections, revisions or resubmittals are coordinated with the preparation of comments for project grading plan, development plan, and tentative and final plat submittals to include the incorporation of plat and development notes and covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) to assure the continued preserved status of set-aside areas and preserved-in-place and transplanted specimens in a healthy and vigorous condition.
      3.   The applicant shall resubmit revised plans required by the planning division for final compliance review. The planning division shall complete its review of revised plans within five (5) working days of resubmittal and then provide the applicant with a written decision.
      4.   Any change to the underlying grading plan, development plan, tentative plat, or subdivision plat may require resubmittal of a new or revised preservation plan as determined by the planning official.
   D.   Variances and appeals.
      1.   A request for a variance of the requirements of this chapter or an appeal of an interpretation of this chapter by the development services department may be filed by a petitioner to the board of adjustment and processed as required by Section 18.93 of the Pima County zoning code.
         a.   The design review committee or a subcommittee established by the design review committee shall review variance requests and appeals of the requirements of this chapter and prepare an analysis and recommendation to the board of adjustment. The analysis and recommendation shall be submitted along with a staff report to the board of adjustment and presented by county staff at the board of adjustment's public hearing for the appeal.
         b.   The design review committee's analysis and recommendation to the board of adjustment shall consider the basis of the appeal and any extenuating circumstances due to no fault on the part of the applicant and the design review committee's recommendation will promote the purpose and findings of this chapter.
(Ord. 1998-39 § 1 (part), 1998)