7.09.050   Registration requirements.
   A.   Registration Information. The generator shall provide to the department, on forms approved by the department, at the time of registration or no later than thirty calendar days after becoming a hazardous waste generator, information which may include:
      1.   General Information:
         a.   An EPA identification number;
         b.   The type of hazardous waste and amount generated, specified by EPA hazardous waste number and quantity generated, for the greater of the maximum actual waste generated in any calendar month during the previous twelve-month period, or the maximum projected waste expected to be generated in any one calendar month during the next permit period, or a statement that the facility generates more than one thousand kilograms per month;
         c.   An explanation of the method by which each type of waste is disposed;
         d.   Facility identification:
            1)   Proper name for the facility,
            2)   Street address for the facility or, if the facility does not have a street address, a legal description,
            3)   Mailing address for the facility,
            4)   Telephone number of the facility,
            5)   SIC codes (the identification number assigned by the Standard Industrial Classification Code to specific types of businesses) which best define the type of facility to be registered, and
            6)   Occupancy classification of each building or structure;
         e.   Facility Operations. A brief narrative setting forth the nature of operations which are or will be conducted at the facility and the processes associated with the handling of hazardous wastes;
         f.   Facility Environmental Permits. A listing of all environmental permits held by the facility, including issuing agency, effective dates and permit number;
         g.   Operator:
            1)   Name of the operator,
            2)   Mailing address of the operator,
            3)   Business telephone number of the operator, and
            4)   Identity of an authorized representative and a technical contact person and telephone numbers at which the representative and contact person can be reached at all times;
         h.   Owner if different from operator:
            1)   Name of the owner,
            2)   Mailing address of the owner,
            3)   Business telephone of the owner, and
            4)   Identity of an authorized representative and, a telephone number at which the representative can be reached at all times.
      2.   Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). A complete HWMP is required for the facility to be registered. The information submitted may be plans to be built. At a minimum, an HWMP shall include:
         a.   General Site Plan. A legible general site plan drawn to scale showing:
            1)   Site orientation,
            2)   Locations and names of adjacent streets and alleys,
            3)   Location of all buildings,
            4)   Access points and internal roads,
            5)   Parking lots,
            6)   Evacuation routes,
            7)   Accumulation areas containing more than fifteen gallons of hazardous waste or any amount of acutely hazardous waste,
            8)   Hazardous waste loading areas,
            9)   Storm and sanitary sewer access points,
            10)   Surface drainage areas, clearly delineating the direction of flow,
            11)   Dry wells,
            12)   Emergency equipment,
            13)   Fire hydrants,
            14)   Adjacent property uses,
            15)   Groundwater wells, active and abandoned, and
            16)   Other relevant information;
         b.   Accumulation Area Plans. A legible plan drawn to scale shall be provided for each accumulation area in which hazardous wastes will be accumulated in amounts greater than fifty-five gallons or in an amount greater than one quart for acutely hazardous waste. The plan shall show:
            1)   Hazardous waste accumulation areas,
            2)   Rooms,
            3)   Doorways,
            4)   Corridors,
            5)   Exits,
            6)   Evacuation routes,
            7)   Emergency equipment, and
            8)   Other relevant information;
         c.   Hazardous Waste Handling. A description of all activities involving the handling of hazardous waste, and an explanation of precautions taken to prevent the release of hazardous waste;
         d.   Chemical Compatibility and Separation. A description of procedures and control methods used to ensure separation and protection of accumulated waste from activities or conditions which may cause accidental ignition or reaction;
         e.   Monitoring Devices. Where devices are installed to monitor releases of hazardous waste, information describing the location, type and manufacturer's specifications;
         f.   Security. A description of a security program to prevent unauthorized entry of persons or animals into accumulation areas to reduce the potential for theft, sabotage, or release of hazardous waste;
         g.   Hazard Labels and Warning Signs. A description of warning markings on containers, accumulation areas, surrounding fences, gates and access ways;
         h.   Inspection and Recordkeeping.
            1)   Schedules and procedures for inspecting and maintaining monitoring, safety and emergency equipment pursuant to this chapter,
            2)   Schedules and procedures for inspecting the facility pursuant to this chapter, and
            3)   A sample inspection log that provides for the date, time, location, inspector's name, and a description of problems and corrective actions taken;
         i.   Emergency Procedures and Equipment. A written summary of procedures for handling releases, spills, fires or explosions, including shutdown of operations, agency notification, mitigation of release, evacuation procedures and a list of emergency equipment. A RCRA contingency plan as required by A.C.R.R. R18-8-264 may be substituted;
         j.   Employee Training. A written summary of training programs conducted pursuant to guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, RCRA, or other relevant sources.
      3.   Hazardous Waste Inventory. The inventory shall list all hazardous wastes handled. The inventory shall include the following information for each waste listed:
         a.   Chemical name, if available;
         b.   Common name/trade name;
         c.   Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number, if available;
         d.   RCRA hazardous waste number;
         e.   Identification numbers as listed by the Department of Transportation, if available;
         f.   Maximum quantity handled at any one time;
         g.   Accumulation location;
         h.   Description of how hazardous waste is disposed;
         i.   A separate list of waste stored shall be provided for each accumulation area shown on the general site plan.
      4.   Release Report. The operator of an existing facility shall tabulate and submit a summary of all releases of hazardous wastes which were reported to a regulatory agency for the two-year period prior to making the initial application.
      5.   Information required by A.C.R.R. R-18-8-260, et seq.
      6.   Additional Information. Any additional information determined necessary by the director to make the application complete.
      7.   Signature. The registration application shall be signed by the operator or authorized representative. The owner or authorized representative shall also sign the registration for the purpose of establishing the owner's awareness of the permitted operations.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 8, 1991)