A. Subdivision Plats and Development Plans.
1. In addition to the requirements of Chapters 18.69 (Subdivision Standards) and 18.71 (Development Plan Standards), tentative subdivision plats and development plans submitted for county review shall depict all 15 percent or greater sloped areas, average cross slope (both before and after the exclusion of any natural areas), natural areas, and protected peaks and ridges. All plats and plans shall be prepared in conformance with the standards of the subdivision and development review committee (SDRC) and shall demonstrate conformance with this chapter.
2. Final plats. All final plats shall show natural areas and protected peaks and ridges, with the resultant protected area, in a surveyable manner. A note shall be placed on the plat indicating that the site is subject to the HDZ Overlay Zone.
B. Building Permits. A grading plan shall be submitted with a building permit application for any parcel subject to this chapter. A grading plan that includes grading on fifteen percent (15%) or greater slopes shall also require a building permit application for a dwelling unit or for an addition or expansion on a lot with an existing dwelling unit. When all proposed grading is on slopes less than fifteen percent (15%), the grading plan may be submitted separately from the building permit. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 18.81 (Grading Standards), the grading plan shall contain the following information:
1. Existing topography, with a minimum of two-foot (2') contours within graded areas and ten-foot (10') contours outside graded areas;
2. Average cross slope (for unsubdivided parcels only);
3. Natural area, if applicable;
4. Height and steepness of cut and fill slopes;
5. Plan for landscaping and stabilization of graded areas and slopes in conformance with Section 18.61.055.
C. Compliance. The chief zoning inspector shall enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2003-17 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 2000-52 § 1 (part), 2000)