A. When parts of the Arizona Revised Statutes are adopted by reference or referred to in this title, the abbreviation A.R.S. will be used.
B. When parts of the Arizona Administrative Code are adopted by reference or referred to in this title, the abbreviation A.A.C. or the abbreviation A.C.R.R. will be used.
C. References to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations refer sequentially to title, Code of Federal Regulations, part, section and paragraph (e.g., 40 CFR 52.01(a) means Title 40, code of Federal Regulations, Part 52, Section .01, Paragraph (a)).
D. Any adoptions by reference supersede other portions of this title which may conflict with the adoption by reference.
E. Copies of all materials adopted by reference in this title and of the delegation agreement are on file and available for review by the general public at the department's offices located at 130 W. Congress Street, Tucson, AZ 85701.
F. The word shall is mandatory and not directory.
(Ord. 1996-49 § 1, 1996: Ord. 1990-39 § 1 (part), 1990)