18.14.045   Development standards—Manufactured home park.
   All manufactured home parks shall comply with the following development requirements:
   A.   Minimum site area: One hundred forty-four thousand square feet.
   B.   Minimum area per dwelling unit: Thirty-six thousand square feet.
   C.   Minimum site width: Sixty feet.
   D.   Minimum site setbacks:
      1.   Front: Thirty feet.
      2.   Side: Fifteen feet.
      3.   Rear: Forty feet.
   E.   Minimum distance between units: Fourteen feet.
   F.   Off-street parking: Per Section 18.75 (Off-street Parking and Loading Standards.)
   G.   Bufferyard "C" shall be placed around the perimeter of the manufactured home park unless more intensive bufferyards are required per Chapter 18.73 (Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening Standards).
   H.   Detached accessory buildings:
      1.   Maximum site coverage: Twenty-five percent of the rear yard setback area for the site.
      2.   Maximum height: Twenty-four feet.
      3.   Minimum distances required:
         a.   To dwelling units or other buildings: Seven feet.
         b.   To front site setback: Thirty feet for an entryway building used to control access, and for all other buildings.
         c.   To side site setback line: Ten feet.
         d.   To rear site setback line: Fifteen feet.
   I.   Storage area:
   A manufactured home park may include a detached, accessory open storage area for the storage of a travel trailer, boat, automobile recreational vehicle, noncommercial truck, motorcycle, or similar vehicle owned by residents of the park.
      1.   Only residents of the park may use or have access to the open storage area.
      2.   All vehicles must be operable. Storage of junk or inoperable vehicles is not permitted.
      3.   A minimum five-foot wide buffer shall be provided around and abutting the entire storage area, except at the point of access. The buffer shall at a minimum include all of the following:
         a.   A minimum six-foot high opaque screen wall or fence.
         b.   A fifteen-gallon canopy tree for each twenty linear feet of buffer length.
         c.   A five-gallon desert shrub for each twenty linear feet of buffer length.
         d.   Two one-gallon accents, flowers or vines for each twenty linear feet of buffer length.
         e.   Decomposed granite or other acceptable groundcover over the entire buffer surface.
         f.   Plant materials within the buffer shall be selected from the official regulatory plant list, Section 18.73.030(A) (Landscape Design Manual).
   J.   Paving: All driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced with a durable asphalt, concrete, stone, tile or brick surface consistent with pavement design standards and principles and engineered according to soil conditions and anticipated wheel loads.
   K.   Exception: The requirements of this section do not apply to a manufactured home park which was permitted prior to May 26, 1998. Such a manufactured home park must comply with the zoning standards in place at the time the manufactured home park was permitted.
(Ord. 1998-37 § 3 (part), 1998)