A. A permittee whose permit specifically allows fugitive dust producing operations or activities is responsible for controlling windblown dust, dust from haul roads, and dust emitted from land clearing, earthmoving, demolition, trenching, blasting, road construction, mining, racing event, and other activities, as applicable.
1. Until the area becomes permanently stabilized by paving, landscaping or otherwise, dust emissions shall be controlled by applying adequate amounts of water, chemical stabilizer, or other effective dust suppressant.
2. The permittee shall not leave land in such a state that fugitive dust emissions (including windblown dust or dust caused by vehicular traffic on the area) would violate Section 17.16.050.
B. A permittee whose permit specifically allows fugitive dust producing operations or activities is responsible for controlling windblown dust, dust from haul roads, and dust emitted from land clearing, earthmoving, demolition, trenching, blasting, road construction, mining, racing event, and other activities to ensure compliance with Section 17.16.050.
(Ord. 1995-87 § 41, 1995: Ord. 1994-83 § 50, 1994: Ord. 1993-128 § 4 (part), 1993)