17.12.090   Facility changes allowed without permit revisions for Class I permits.
   A.   A facility with a Class I permit may make changes without a permit revision if all of the following apply:
      1.   The changes are not modifications under any provision of Title I of the Act (Air Pollution Prevention and Control) or under A.R.S. § 49-401.01(24);
      2.   The changes do not exceed the emissions allowable under the permit whether expressed therein as a rate of emissions or in terms of total emissions;
      3.   The changes do not violate any applicable requirements or trigger any additional applicable requirements;
      4.   The changes satisfy all requirements for a minor permit revision under Section 17.12.110; and
      5.   The changes do not contravene federally enforceable permit terms and conditions that are monitoring (including test methods), record keeping, reporting, or compliance certification requirements.
   B.   The substitution of an item of process or pollution control equipment for an identical or substantially similar item of process or pollution control equipment shall qualify as a change that does not require a permit revision, if the substitution meets all of the requirements of subsections A, D and E.
   C.   Except for sources with authority to operate under general permits, permitted sources may trade increases and decreases in emissions within the permitted facility, as established in the permit under Section 17.12.040(A)(12), if an applicable implementation plan provides for the emissions trades without applying for a permit revision and based on the seven working days' notice prescribed in subsection D of this section. This provision is available if the permit does not provide for the emissions trading as a minor permit revision.
   D.   For each change under subsections A through C, a written notice, by certified mail or hand delivery, shall be received by the control officer and the administrator a minimum of seven working days in advance of the change. Notifications of changes associated with emergency conditions, such as malfunctions necessitating the replacement of equipment, may be provided less than seven working days in advance of the change but must be provided as far in advance of the change, or if advance notification is not practicable, as soon after the change as possible.
   E.   Each notification shall include:
      1.   When the proposed change will occur;
      2.   A description of the change;
      3.   Any change in emissions of regulated air pollutants;
      4.   The pollutants emitted subject to the emissions trade, if any;
      5.   The provisions in the implementation plan that provide for the emissions trade with which the source will comply and any other information as may be required by the provisions in the implementation plan authorizing the trade;
      6.   If the emissions trading provisions of the implementation plan are invoked, then the permit requirements with which the source will comply; and
      7.   Any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change.
   F.   The permit shield described in Section 17.11.080 shall not apply to any change made under subsections A through C. Compliance with the permit requirements that the source will meet using the emissions trade shall be determined according to requirements of the implementation plan authorizing the emissions trade.
   G.   Except as otherwise provided for in the permit, making a change from one alternative operating scenario to another as provided under Section 17.12.040(A)(11) shall not require any prior notice under this section.
   H.   Notwithstanding any other part of this section, the control officer may require a permit to be revised for any change that when considered together with any other changes submitted by the same source under this section over the term of the permit, do not satisfy subsection A.
   I.   The control officer shall make available to the public monthly summaries of all notices received under this section.
(Ord. 2017-20 § 2 (part), 2017)
Editor's note— Formerly § 17.12.230.
17.12.100   Administrative permit amendments for Class I permits.
   A.   Except for provisions pursuant to Title IV of the Act (Acid Deposition Control), an administrative permit amendment is a permit revision that does any of the following:
      1.   Corrects typographical errors;
      2.   Identifies a change in the name, address, or phone number of any person identified in the permit, or provides a similar minor administrative change at the source;
      3.   Requires more frequent monitoring or reporting by the permittee; and
      4.   Allows for a change in ownership or operational control of a source as approved under Section 17.12.150 where the control officer determines that no other change in the permit is necessary, provided that a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility coverage, and liability between the current and new permittee has been submitted to the control officer.
   B.   Administrative permit amendments to Title IV provisions of the permit shall be governed by regulations promulgated by the administrator under Title IV of the Act (Acid Deposition Control).
   C.   The control officer shall take no more than sixty days from receipt of a request for an administrative permit amendment to take final action on such request, and for Class I permits may incorporate such changes without providing notice to the public or affected states provided that it designates any such permit revisions as having been made pursuant to this section.
   D.   The control officer shall submit a copy of Class I permits revised under this section to the administrator.
   E.   Except for administrative permit amendments involving a transfer under Section 17.12.150, the source may implement the changes addressed in the request for an administrative amendment immediately upon submittal of the request.
(Ord. 2017-20 § 2 (part), 2017)
Editor's note— Formerly § 17.12.245.
17.12.110   Minor permit revisions for Class I permits.
   A.   Minor permit revision procedures may be used only for those changes at a Class I source that satisfy all of the following:
      1.   Do not violate any applicable requirement;
      2.   Do not involve substantive changes to existing monitoring, reporting, or recordkeeping requirements in the permit;
      3.   Do not require or change a case-by-case determination of an emission limitation or other standard, or a source specific determination of ambient impacts, or a visibility or increment analysis;
      4.   Do not seek to establish or change a permit term or condition for which there is no corresponding underlying applicable requirement and that the source has assumed in order to avoid an applicable requirement to which the source would otherwise be subject. The terms and conditions include:
         a.   A federally enforceable emissions cap that the source would assume to avoid classification as a modification under any provision of Title I of the Act (Air Pollution Prevention and Control),
         b.   An alternative emissions limit approved under regulations promulgated under the Section 112(i)(5) of the Act (Hazardous Air Pollutants);
      5.   Are not modifications under any provision of Title I of the Act (Air Pollution Prevention and Control);
      6.   Are not changes in fuels not represented in the permit application or provided for in the permit;
      7.   The increase in the source's potential to emit any regulated air pollutant is not significant as defined in Section 17.04.340; and
      8.   Are not required to be processed as a significant revision under Section 17.12.120.
   B.   As approved by the control officer, minor permit revision procedures may be used for permit revisions involving the use of economic incentives, marketable permits, emissions trading, and other similar approaches, to the extent that the minor permit revision procedures are explicitly provided for in an applicable implementation plan or in applicable requirements promulgated by the administrator.
   C.   An application for minor permit revision shall be on the standard application form contained in Title 18, Chapter 2, Appendix 1 of the A.A.C. and include the following:
      1.   A description of the change, the emissions resulting from the change, and any new applicable requirements that will apply if the change occurs;
      2.   For Class I sources, and any source that is making the change immediately after it files the application, the source's suggested proposed permit;
      3.   Certification by a responsible official, consistent with standard permit application requirements, that the proposed revision meets the criteria for use of minor permit revision procedures and a request that the procedures be used;
   D.   EPA and Affected State Notification. For Class I permits, within five working days of receipt of an application for a minor permit revision, the control officer shall notify the administrator and affected states of the requested permit revision in accordance with Section 17.12.060.
   E.   The control officer shall follow the following timetable for action on an application for a minor permit revision:
      1.   For Class I permits, the control officer shall not issue a final permit revision until after the administrator's forty-five-day review period or until the administrator has notified the control officer that the administrator will not object to issuance of the permit revision, whichever is first, although the control officer may approve the permit revision before that time. Within ninety days of the control officer's receipt of an application under minor permit revision procedures, or fifteen days after the end of the administrator's forty-five-day review period, whichever is later, the control officer shall do one or more of the following:
         a.   Issue the permit revision as proposed;
         b.   Deny the permit revision application;
         c.   Determine that the proposed permit revision does not meet the minor permit revision criteria and should be reviewed under the significant revision procedures in Section 17.12.120; or
         d.   Revise the proposed permit revision and transmit to the administrator the new proposed permit revision as required in Section 17.12.060.
   F.   The source may make the change proposed in its minor permit revision application immediately after it files the application. After the source makes the change allowed by the preceding sentence, and until the control officer takes any of the actions specified in subsection E, the source shall comply with both the applicable requirements governing the change and the proposed revised permit terms and conditions. During this time period, the source need not comply with the existing permit terms and conditions it seeks to modify. However, if the source fails to comply with its proposed permit terms and conditions during this time period, the existing permit terms and conditions it seeks to revise may be enforced against it.
   G.   The permit shield under Section 17.11.080 shall not extend to minor permit revisions.
   H.   Notwithstanding any other part of this section, the control officer may require a permit to be revised under Section 17.12.120 for any change that, when considered together with any other changes submitted by the same source under this section over the life of the permit, do not satisfy subsection A for Class I sources.
   I.   The control officer shall make available to the public monthly summaries of all applications for minor revisions.
(Ord. 2017-20 § 2 (part), 2017)
Editor's note— Formerly § 17.12.255.