17.11.130   Permits containing the terms and conditions of federal delayed compliance orders (DCO) or consent decrees.
   A.   The terms and conditions of either a DCO or consent decree shall be incorporated into a permit through a permit revision. In the event the permit expires prior to the expiration of the DCO or consent decree, the DCO or consent decree shall be incorporated into any permit renewal.
   B.   The owner or operator of a source subject to a DCO or consent decree shall submit to the control officer a quarterly report of the status of the source and construction progress and copies of any reports to the administrator required under the order or decree. The control officer may require additional reporting requirements and conditions in permits issued under this article.
   C.   For the purpose of this chapter, sources subject to a consent decree issued by a federal court shall meet the same requirements as those subject to a DCO.
(Ord. 2017-20 § 2 (part), 2017)
Editor's note— Formerly § 17.12.330.