17.04.010   Declaration of policy.
   A.   Whereas, the legislature of the state of Arizona has found that air pollution exists in the state and in Pima County, and that such air pollution is potentially and in some cases actually dangerous to the health of the citizenry, often causes physical discomfort, injures property and property values, discourages recreational and other uses of the state's resources, and is aesthetically unappealing; and
   B.   Whereas, the state legislature has adopted and implemented a statewide program to control present and future sources of air pollution to insure the health, safety, and general welfare of all the citizens of the state, protect property values, and protect plant and animal life; and
   C.   Whereas, the state legislature has adopted statutes which grant the counties the right to control the emissions of air contaminants as provided herein; and
   D.   Whereas, the board of supervisors of Pima County, Arizona has determined that air pollution is frequently emitted into the atmosphere from several types of sources in Pima County;
   E.   Now, therefore, in consideration of and for the benefit of the people of the county, it is declared policy that every effort shall be made to identify by source and amount the various types of contaminants in the atmosphere; and
   F.   It is further declared policy that all contaminants emitted from each source originating in Pima County shall be prevented or reduced, irrespective of the proportion that each source contributes to the total air pollution; and
   G.   That this title shall apply to all types of air contaminant emissions in Pima County, subject to the jurisdictional authority regarding types and sizes of emissions sources defined by Arizona Revised Statutes and referenced herein.
(Ord. 1993-128 § 1 (part), 1993)