16.56.060   Covenants.
   Upon granting of a variance, permit or waiver for the construction of a dwelling unit or commercial or industrial structure, where the construction of such unit or structure is otherwise contrary to the floodplain and erosion hazard requirements of this title the board shall provide written notice to the grantees of such a variance, permit, or waiver that, if the structure is a dwelling unit or business as defined by A.R.S. Section 26-321, the land upon which the structure is located is ineligible for acquisition under the county floodprone land acquisition program, and notice that the structure increase risks to life and property and will result in increased flood insurance premium rates. A copy of the notice shall be recorded by the board in the office of the county recorder and shall be recorded in a manner so that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land.
(Ord. 2005 FC-2 § 2 (part), 2005)