16.36.050   Development plan—Advisories to other jurisdictions.
   A.   In accordance with A.R.S. Section 48-3610, the district shall advise, in writing, any city or town that has assumed jurisdiction over its regulatory floodplains, and provide a copy of any development plan or any application that has been filed with the county for a floodplain use permit or variance to develop land in a regulatory floodplain or floodway, whenever development within the county will occur within one mile of the boundary between the district's area of jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of that city or town.
   B.   The district shall also advise any city or town in writing and provide a copy of any development plan of any major development proposed within a regulatory floodplain or floodway whenever development within the county could affect floodprone areas or watercourses within that city's or town's area of jurisdiction.
   C.   Written notice of a copy of the plan of development shall be sent to any adjacent jurisdiction no later than 3 working days after having been received by the district.
(Ord. 1999 FC-1 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 1988 FC-2 Art. 11 (B) (7), 1988)