A. For manufactured homes located in a regulatory floodplain or erosion hazard area on or before August 3, 1984, replacement of the manufactured home will be allowed if:
1. The manufactured home to be replaced was not damaged by a flood to more than fifty percent of its value before the flood; and
2. The replacement manufactured home is elevated so that the bottom of the structural frame and the lowest point of any attached appliances or service facilities are at or above the regulatory flood elevation.
B. For new manufactured homes, new manufactured home parks or subdivisions, expansions to existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions, and repairs, reconstruction, or improvements to existing manufactured homes located within a regulatory floodplain or erosion hazard area, the following standards shall apply:
1. An adequate surface for the pad or lot to meet the minimum drainage standards and access for a hauler shall be provided;
2. All manufactured homes placed on pads or lots elevated on compacted fill in accordance with Section 16.26.050.F; or elevated on a stem wall, on piers or on pilings, shall be elevated so that the bottom of the structural frame and the lowest point of any attached appliances(s) are at or above the regulatory flood elevation.
3. For manufactured homes placed on pilings, piers or stem walls:
a. The lots shall be large enough to permit steps,
b. The pilings, piers or stem walls shall be placed in stable soil to a depth sufficient to address erosion concerns, and constructed to address lateral flood forces using methods approved by the chief engineer, and
c. If pilings or piers are used, then their placement shall be no more than ten feet apart.
C. Structures designed or utilized for human habitation, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, and which will be completely surrounded by floodwaters during the base flood shall only be permitted when:
1. The product of the flow depth (d), in feet, times the square of the flow velocity (v), in feet per second, of the flood waters of the base flood does not exceed the numerical value of eighteen for a period in excess of thirty minutes at any point adjacent to the structure and associated improvements, including fill, and
2. The flood waters of the base flood do not exceed three feet in depth at any point adjacent to the structure and associated improvements, including fill.
3. For purposes of this section, depth and velocity shall be post development values and shall be calculated as follows:
a. When flow distribution information is available, it shall be used to provide the most representative values for flood depth and velocity.
b. When approximate information is available, average depths and velocities may be used.
(Ord. 2010-FC5 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2005 FC-2 § 2 (part), 2005; Ord. 1999 FC-1 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 1998 FC-1 Sec. 2, 1998; Ord. 1988)