A. Upon receiving an application for a floodplain use permit, the chief engineer may require, where applicable, the applicant to submit plans, drawn to a standard engineering scale, providing the following information at a minimum:
1. The property location, dimensions, and elevation of the lot;
2. Existing or proposed structure(s), manufactured home(s), or improvements;
3. Area to be graded, fill pads and elevations of same;
4. Any fill, storage of materials, walls, fences, or other development that may obstruct, divert or retard flow;
5. Any flood proofing measures and specifications;
6. The relationship of all the above improvements and developments to the location of the watercourse, regulatory floodplain, floodway, riparian habitat, and erosion hazard area boundaries; and
7. The base flood elevation and proposed elevation of the lowest floor and the method of elevation. All elevations must reference an established datum or base elevation.
B. For a floodplain use permit associated with a subdivision plat or development plan, the following must be provided with the permit application:
1. A copy of the approved grading plan; or
2. Lot and building sketch including:
a. The existing and finished grade of the area to be graded based on spot elevations or two-foot contour interval maps. It is also a requirement that the finished pad grade be surveyed and the results of the survey be sealed by an Arizona registered land surveyor;
b. The extent of graded areas, shaded and labeled "graded area," and, a depiction of where structures are to be constructed;
c. The existing grade at the primary building corners, and the proposed finished floor elevations;
d. The location of proposed erosion or drainage mitigation measures, such as rock armoring a building pad or retaining walls to support steep-sloping soils;
e. The exterior boundaries of the site; and
f. Where applicable, any structural measures for flood protection, bank stabilization, erosion and drainage control measures.
C. Where special circumstances necessitate more detailed information, the applicant shall furnish any or all of the following, as is deemed necessary by the chief engineer, for the evaluation of the effects of the proposed use upon flood flows, riparian habitat, erosion, and other factors necessary in order to render a decision on the suitability of the proposed use:
1. One or more cross-sections showing the existing watercourse, elevation of land areas adjoining each side of the channel, cross-sectional areas to be occupied by the proposed development, and high-water information (if available);
2. Plan (surface view) showing elevations or contours of the ground; pertinent structures, fill, or storage elevations; size, location and spatial arrangement of all proposed and existing structures and channel banks on the site; location and elevation of streets, water supply, sanitary facilities; photographs showing existing land-uses and upstream and downstream vegetation types, and other pertinent information;
3. Profile showing the elevation and slope of the bottom of the channel or flow line of the stream or watercourse;
4. Specifications for building construction and materials, flood proofing, filling, erosion protection, excavating, channel improvements, storage of materials, water supply, and sanitary and waste facilities;
5. An engineering study prepared by an Arizona registered civil engineer outlining the effects the development will have on the flow of water through the area being developed and the surrounding areas. This study will be for the purpose of evaluating possible flood hazards and shall, where necessary, include consideration of the effects of the development on flood heights, water velocities, direction of flow, sedimentation and/or erosion, volume of flows, channel shape and size, type of channel banks and other items that may be pertinent, and the resultant effects on structures, land, banks, etc., for the adjacent regulatory floodplain and the surrounding area;
6. Riparian habitat information as required under Chapter 16.30 of this title; and
7. Any other information deemed necessary for review of public safety and floodplain management requirements by the chief engineer.
D. The chief engineer shall review the proposed development to verify that the applicant has requested permits from any other governmental agencies which are required by federal or state law to review or approve the proposed development including any permits required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1134.
(Ord. 2010-FC5 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2005 FC-2 § 2 (part), 2005; Ord. 1999 FC-1 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 1988 FC-2 Art. 7 (C), 1988)