The subdivider will be required to extend existing water mains and provide a complete loop-type water distribution system adequate to serve the development, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants. In cases of individually owned units in a multi-family residential development, the developer shall install a separate water meter and shut- off valve for each living unit. Off-site water line extensions may be required to complete loops or to ensure adequate water pressure. Such off-side construction may have reimbursement rates associated with it. If approved by the Service Committee of Council, such rates will be set by Administrative Order on a line by line basis. The size of the water line required for improvements shall be determined by appropriate hydraulic calculations with the minimum size permitted being an eight-inch diameter water line. The system shall be designed to meet minimum hydrant flow requirements based on anticipated usage and zoning to the satisfaction of the Engineer; in no case shall the flows be less than 500 gpm. The subdivider shall extend public water lines to the property line of the development, as required by the Engineer, to provide for future extension of such lines.
(Ord. 2014-27. Passed 8-5-14.)