1490.15 APPEALS.
   (a)   Any person affected by any notice issued in connection with the enforcement of this Property Maintenance Code may request and shall be granted a hearing before the Property Maintenance Appeals Board on all matters set forth in such notice, provided that such appeal is filed in the Municipal Building within fifteen days of service. The petition for appeal shall be related to the notice and shall set forth the factual reasons for the appeal and the relief the appellant is requesting. Upon receipt of such petition, the Property Maintenance Inspector, acting as Secretary to the Board, shall set a time and place for a hearing on the matter and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. The hearing shall commence not later than forty-five days after the day the petition is filed. The Board may postpone the hearing for a reasonable time beyond such forty-five day period, provided that the petitioner has submitted a good and sufficient cause for such postponement, in the judgment of the Board.
   (b)   After hearing an appeal, the Board shall sustain, modify or withdraw the notice being appealed. If the Board sustains or modifies the notice, it shall be deemed an order.
(Ord. 92-51. Passed 9-15-92.)