There exists in the City residential and nonresidential buildings, structures, vacant areas and combinations thereof which are blighted or are becoming blighted because of substandard, deteriorated or deteriorating conditions, factors and characteristics. Their existence is injurious to the public health, safety and welfare, including physical, aesthetic and monetary values, and constitutes a nuisance and a detraction from the realization of maximum benefits of development and redevelopment and the provision of a safe and beneficial environment in the City. The purpose of this Property Maintenance Code is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by setting forth a comprehensive Property Maintenance Code covering all buildings, structures and vacant lands now in existence or hereafter constructed or created, by:
   (a)   Establishing minimum standards for:
      (1)   Adequate maintenance for elimination of hazards, blight, deterioration and nuisances;
      (2)   Basic equipment and facilities for light, heat, plumbing and ventilation;
   (b)   Determining the responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants of dwellings and other buildings and lands; and
   (c)   Providing for uniform administration and enforcement adequate to carry out the provisions and intent of this Property Maintenance Code.
(Ord. 92-51. Passed 9-15-92.)