(a)   Amounts. The City shall carry a faithful performance blanket position bond and/or insurance coverage for the following:
      (1)   The failure of any clerk, officer or employee covered hereunder to faithfully perform his or her duty; and
      (2)   Fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by any clerk, officer or employee or to account properly for all moneys or property received by virtue of his or her position or employment.
         (Ord. 96-12. Passed 2-6-96; Ord. 2005-32. Passed 5-3-05.)
   (b)   Minimum coverage limits for (a)(1) are as follows:
(1)   City Manager
      (2)   Mayor
      (3)   Director of Finance
      (4)   Mayor's Court Clerk
      (5)   Council President
      (6)   Deputy Clerk of Court
      (7)   Bailiffs of Court
      (8)   Utilities Billing Administrator
      (9)   Deputy Director of Finance
      (10)   Assistant Tax Administrator
      (11)   Income Tax Clerk 1
      (12)   Income Tax Clerk II
      (13)   Administrative Clerk I (Utilities Billing)
      (14)   Director, Parks and Recreation
      (15)   Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation
      (16)   Tax Administrator
      (17)   Clerks, officers and employees
   (c)   The minimum coverage limits for (a)(2) is one million dollars ($1,000,000).
   (d)   Bonds.
      (1)   Requirements and Recording. Each officer required by ordinance to give bond shall do so before entering upon the duties of his or her office, except as otherwise provided by State law. Council may, at any time, require each officer to give a new or additional bond. Except in the case of the Director of Finance, each bond, upon its approval, shall be delivered to the Director of Finance, who shall immediately record it in a record book provided for that purpose and file and carefully preserve it in his or her office. The bond of the Director of Finance shall be delivered to the City Manager, who shall in like manner record and preserve it.
      (2)   Preparation and Approval. The official bonds of all City officers shall be approved by the Law Director. Except as otherwise provided by State law, such bonds shall be in the amounts set forth in subsection (a) hereof or in such amounts as Council may prescribe by general or special ordinance. Official bonds shall be subject to the approval of Council.
      (3)   Validity. In the case of each bond prescribed herein, the fact that the instrument is without a seal, that certain blanks, for example, the date or the amount, have been filled in subsequent to its execution, but before its acceptance, without the consent of the sureties, that all the obligees named in the instrument have not signed it, that new duties have been imposed upon the officers or that any merely formal objection exists, shall not be available in any suit on the instrument.
(Ord. 79-59. Passed 11-6-79; Ord. 86-90. Passed 1-6-87; Ord. 2008-87. Passed 1-6-09; Ord. 2011-09. Passed 3-15-11; Ord. 2011-62. Passed 12-20-11.)