(a)   Consistent with Ohio R.C. 721.15, surplus City property no longer needed for City purposes shall be disposed of as follows:
      (1)   If the value of the property is less than one thousand dollars ($1,000), the Manager may dispose of the property without specific legislative directive in the manner which the Manager feels is most beneficial to the community.
      (2)   If the value of the property to be disposed of is one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more, the personal property may be disposed of to the highest and best bidder after formal bidding, unless otherwise authorized by law or Council.
      (3)   Before being disposed of, a list of surplus items will be supplied to the Safety Committee of Council.
   (b)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, no City employee or official shall have a greater right or opportunity to surplus City personal property than that enjoyed by any other citizen.
(Res. 92-27. Passed 9-15-92; Ord. 2007-44. Passed 11-20-08; Ord. 2011-09. Passed 3-15-11.)