(a)   Standing Committees. Council shall have the following standing committees with the responsibilities as shown:
      (1)   Finance Committee. Define, review, investigate and recommend Council action in all fiscal matters before Council, including, but not limited to the following: budgets, appropriations, taxes, assessments, employee wages and relations, expenditures, general monetary policy, alternative sources of funding, adoption of a five-year plan, long-range debt planning, fee schedules, human resources and professional accountability, communication, employee safety, and information technology and other special assignments.
      (2)   Service Committee. Define, review, investigate and recommend Council action in all matters of public utilities, streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, zoning, planning subdivision regulations, annexation, business retention, economic development, land use planning, building codes and inspection and other special assignments.
      (3)   Safety Committee. Review, investigate and recommend Council action in all matters of public buildings, traffic safety, police protection, fire protection, health, civil defense, beautification and public park lands and pool, recreational facilities, code enforcement, safety of public property, and other special assignments.
      (4)   Rules Committee. Any resolution to amend the Administrative Code shall be referred to the Rules Committee where it shall be considered immediately, taking precedence over any other business before the Committee, and the Committee shall make a report on the legislation to amend at the next regular session of Council following its introduction. The Rules Committee authority shall include, but not be limited to, reviewing, investigating and recommending councilmanic action in areas involving eligibility for office and conflicts of interest. The Rules Committee shall also review, investigate and recommend councilmanic approval or disapproval of all candidates to fill vacancies for positions on City Council or any of the City's boards or commissions. The Rules Committee shall also define, review, investigate and recommend Council action in all matters of and other special assignments.
(Ord. 83-57. Passed 11-15-83; Ord. 88-107. Passed 12-6-88; Ord. 94-77. Passed 10-18-94; Ord. 2012-65. Passed 12-18-12; Ord. 2014-10. Passed 3-18-14.)
   (b)   Special Committees. The Mayor may from time to time appoint special committees for limited purposes, subject to the approval of the majority of Council. A statement of purpose for all special committees shall contain a section setting forth the length of time required to complete their special purpose.
(Ord. 80-77. Passed 12-16-80; Ord. 2012-65. Passed 12-18-12.)
   (c)   Composition of Committees. Standing and special committees shall consist of not less than three members of Council, elected by a majority vote of Council. The Finance Committee shall be composed of Council and the President of Council or designee shall serve as the Chairperson. Each Committee, other than the Finance Committee, shall select its own Chairperson. However, no member of Council shall serve as Chairperson of more than one of the following committees: Service, Safety and Finance. The Mayor shall be an ex officio member of all committees and shall have a vote only in the case of a tie vote by committee members. The City Manager shall be a nonvoting member of each committee.
(Ord. 94-02. Passed 2-15-94; Ord. 2014-10. Passed 3-18-14.)
   (d)   Special Assignments.
      (1)   One member of the Service Committee, other than the Chairperson, shall be elected by Council to serve as the Council representative to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (2)   One member of the Safety Committee, other than the Chairperson, shall be elected by Council to serve as a voting representative to the Nuisance Abatement Board.
      (3)   One member of the Safety Committee, other than the Chairperson, shall be elected by Council to serve as a nonvoting representative to the Parks and Recreation Board.
         (Ord. 83-57. Passed 11-15-83; Ord. 88-107. Passed 12-6-88; Ord. 93-02. Passed 1-21-93; Ord. 2004-89. Passed 1-8-05; Ord. 2014-10. Passed 3-18-14; Ord. 2014-16. Passed 5-20-14; Ord. 2014-25. Passed 7-15-14.)
   (e)   Duties of Committee Chairperson.
      (1)   The Chairperson, as selected in subsection (c) hereof, shall preside over all committee meetings.
      (2)   The Chairperson shall:
         A.   Appoint a Vice-Chairperson to serve in the Chairperson's absence.
         B.    With the assistance of the City Manager and Clerk, prepare an agenda for each committee meeting.
(Ord. 80-77. Passed 12-16-80.)
   (f)   Committee Meetings. Meetings of all committees of Council shall be public meetings and, whenever possible, shall be held in public buildings. However, each committee, by a majority of its voting members, may elect to hold meetings wherever it deems necessary to properly further its assigned purpose. All committee meetings will be called by the Chairpersons of such committees or by two voting members, giving notice of the date, time and place to all members of the committee and the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall notify all members of Council of all committee meetings. Any member of Council shall have the right to sit with any committee, present information, take part in any discussion. However, members of Council shall have a vote only when regularly assigned to such committee. Any committee meeting may be cancelled or continued by a majority of the committee members. The City Clerk shall attempt to notify all members of Council of any cancelled or continued committee meeting. Each committee may adopt its own rules of order. However, in the absence of such rules, the parliamentary procedure set forth in Robert's Rules of Order, as revised, shall prevail.
   No regular committee meeting shall be held on regularly scheduled Council meeting dates. This prohibition may be temporarily suspended by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of Council. The Chairperson of the committee shall establish a regular monthly meeting time and date in coordination with other committee meetings so as to not have any conflicting times for the meetings of the other committees. The City Clerk shall post these meeting times and dates in accordance with Chapter 206.
(Ord. 81-67. Passed 12-15-81; Ord. 86-09. Passed 3-4-86; Ord. 88-120. Passed 3-21-89; Ord. 2012-24. Passed 6-5-12.)
   (g)   Mandatory Referral. All legislation shall be referred to one appropriate committee or to a regularly scheduled monthly Council work session by the Mayor for review and recommendations either for or against prior to final action by Council. An additional committee, committees, or Council during a regularly scheduled work session may review legislation by a majority vote of the committee the legislation is before or by majority vote of council. Council may waive the mandatory referral to Committee or regularly scheduled Council work session by an affirmative vote of at least (5) five Council members. Resolutions or ordinances approved by Council as a Consent Agenda item pursuant to Charter Section 2.05 (D) are excepted from mandatory referral.
(Ord. 80-77. Passed 12-16-80; Ord. 2012-65. Passed 12-18-12; Ord. 2018-07. Passed 6-19-18.)
   (h)   Committee Advisory Members. If desired, a committee by a majority vote may appoint as many citizen advisory members as may be necessary to their respective committee. However, no citizen advisory members shall vote on the recommendations of the committee.
(Ord. 91-50. Passed 8-6-91; Ord. 2007-44. Passed 11-20-08; Ord. 2008-87. Passed 1-6-09; Ord. 2009-44. Passed 8-18-09; Ord. 2010-95. Passed 12-21-10; Ord. 2011-09. Passed 3-15-11.)