General Provisions
91.01 Animals and fowls
91.02 Running at large; tethering
91.03 Killing, poisoning and injuring
91.04 Abandonment, neglect and mistreatment
91.05 Impoundment
91.06 Interference with police
91.07 Taxes and fees; deposit
Dogs and Cats
91.20 Definitions
91.21 Animal control officer
91.22 License and tax required; exemption; tags
91.23 Collar or harness required
91.24 Removal of collar, harness or tags
91.25 Kennel or cattery; permit required
91.26 Barking or howling
91.27 Fighting
91.28 Liability of owner
91.29 Dangerous dogs
91.30 Limited number on premises
91.31 Animal shelter
91.32 Pit bull dogs
91.45 Vaccination required; cost; exemptions
91.46 Certificate of vaccination
91.47 Impoundment of afflicted animals
91.48 Authority to kill
91.49 Proclamation of danger
91.99 Penalty