   The municipality owns and operates the municipal sewer system. The governing body, for the purpose of defraying the cost of the management and maintenance of the municipal sewer system, may each year levy a tax not exceeding the maximum limit prescribed by state law on the actual valuation of all real estate and personal property within the corporate limits that is subject to taxation. The revenue from said tax shall be known as the Sewer Maintenance Fund. The Board of Trustees may adopt rules and regulations for the sanitary and efficient management of the sewer system.
(Prior Code, § 3-201)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 17-574 and 17-925.01
   (A)   To connect with the sewer system, the owner or occupant of the premises shall make an application therefor to the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. Sewer service shall not be supplied to any person outside the corporate limits without special permission from the governing body; provided, that the entire cost of pipe and other installation charges shall be paid by such consumers. Nothing herein shall be construed to obligate the municipality to provide sewer service to nonresidents.
   (B)   (1)   Applications for sewer service shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer upon a form to be supplied by the municipality. The application shall state the name of the applicant and the premises to serve. All applications filed after April 30, 1982 shall be accompanied by a connection charge, payable to the village, in an amount set by the governing body and on file with the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. The owner of the premises served and the occupant thereof shall be jointly and severally liable for the sewer service provided to said premises.
      (2)   The applicant shall also pay a deposit in the amount set by the governing body and on file with the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. Upon disconnection of the sewer service, any balance of such deposit shall be returned to the applicant without interest.
(Prior Code, § 3-203)
Statutory reference:
   See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 18-508
   The municipality shall furnish sewer services to persons within its corporate limits whose premises abut a street or alley in which a commercial main is now or may hereafter be laid. The rules, regulations and sewer rental rates shall be considered a part of every application hereafter made for sewer service and shall be considered a part of the contract between every customer now or hereafter served. Without further formality, the making of the application on the part of any applicant or the use of sewer service by present customers thereof shall constitute a contract between the customer and the municipality to which said contract both parties are bound. The municipality may also furnish sewer service to persons whose premises are situated outside the corporate limits of the municipality, as and when, according to law, the governing body may see fit to do so.
(Prior Code, § 3-204)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 17-901, 17-902 and 18-503
   Contracts for sewer service are not transferable. Any person wishing to change from one location to another shall make a new application. If any customer shall move from the premises where service is furnished, or if said premises is destroyed by fire or other casualty, he or she shall at once inform the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer who shall cause the sewer service to be shut off from said premises. If the customer should fail to give notice, he or she shall be charged for that period of time until the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer is otherwise advised of such circumstances.
(Prior Code, § 3-205)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 17-901, 17-902 and 18-503
   For the purpose of rental fees, the governing body may classify the customers of the Municipal Sewer Department; provided, that such classifications are reasonable and do not discriminate unlawfully against any consumer or group of consumers.
(Neb. Rev. Stat. § 17-925.02) (Prior Code, § 3-208)
   The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the municipality and abutting any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary or combined sewer of the village, is hereby required, at his or her own expense, to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer within two years after date of official notice to do so, or if hereafter erected, at the time of its construction; provided, that said public sewer is within 150 feet of the property line. In the event that any property owner shall neglect, fail or refuse, within a period of ten days after further notice has been given to him or her to do so by registered mail or by publication in a newspaper in or of general circulation in the municipality, to make such connection, the governing body shall have the power to cause the same to be done, to assess the cost thereof against the property and to collect the assessment thus made in the manner provided for collection of other special taxes and assessments.
(Prior Code, § 3-212)
   No person or persons shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the municipal sewer system. Any person violating this provision shall be prosecuted for malicious destruction of property.
(Prior Code, § 3-232) Penalty, see § 53.999