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§ 14-508.  "G-2" Industrial District.
   (1)   Use Regulations – General. The specific uses permitted in this District shall be the erection, construction, alteration, or use of buildings and/or land for:
      (a)   The uses permitted in "L-3" Limited Industrial District with all use qualifications removed, except that when any use is herein defined, listed or prohibited, the regulations of this district shall apply; 348
      (b)   Reserved; 349
      (c)   Blending and compounding lubricating oils and greases from purchased mineral, animal, and vegetable materials;
      (d)   Brewing of malt and malt liquors;
      (e)   Canning of meats, seafoods, fruits, vegetables, soups, preserves, jams, jellies, and other foods; preparation of all foods and food products not specifically listed in any Least Restricted District;
      (f)   Carpet cleaning and repairing;
      (g)   The following uses as a main use: 350
         (.1)   Trolley and cab stations, bus terminals, and car and bus barns;
         (.2)   Heliports;
         (.3)   Penal and correctional institutions (private or public);
      (h)   Distilling, rectifying, blending and/or mixing of alcoholic products;
      (i)   (.1)   Killing, dressing, packing and canning poultry, rabbits, and other small game, including cleaning, packing, grading, drying and freezing eggs;
         (.2)   Sale of live poultry, live fish, or live animals for human consumption; 351
      (j)   Laundry and dry cleaning;
      (k)   Lumber yards; coal yards; building materials storage; carpenter, plumbing, roofing and heating shops;
      (l)   Machine shops;
      (m)   Manufacture of:
         (.1)   Aircraft, including component parts and auxiliary equipment;
         (.2)   Apparel and garments of all sorts assembled from purchased rubberized fabrics or plastics;
         (.3)   Advertising displays and signs;
         (.4)   Baking powder, yeast, and other leavening compounds;
         (.5)   Broom and brushes; morticians' goods;
         (.6)   Cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations, excluding soap and detergents;
         (.7)   Electric motors and generators; carbon and graphite products for electrical use; storage and primary batteries (wet and dry); electrical equipment for transmission and distribution (including power and specialty transformers); circuit-breakers; other electrical apparatus for industrial use;
         (.8)   Fabricated metal products, including metal cans; cutlery, hand tools and general hardware; heating apparatus and metal plumbing fixtures; fabricated structural metal products; screwmachine products (including bolts, nuts, screws, rivets and washers); metal stampings; fabricated wire products (except for rubber insulated wire); and other fabricated metal products, including pipes and pipe fittings;
         (.9)   Firearms, guns, howitzers, mortars, military tanks and components, torpedo-tubes, Y-guns, flame throwers, and other ordinance, except the manufacture, use, handling, or storage of explosives in any form;
         (.10)   Furniture, partitions, shelving, lockers, office and store fixtures, venetian blinds and window shades;
         (.11)   Games, toys, children's vehicles, sporting and athletic goods;
         (.12)   Glass, glassware and glass products; structural clay products; pottery, plumbing fixtures, china, earthware and porcelain products; refractories and/or crucibles; concrete products; provided, that smoke controllers, dust collectors, exhaust washers, sediment tanks, or similar equipment to prevent escape of smoke and/or dust are installed and maintained;
         (.13)   Lead pencils, crayons, candles, artists' materials, carbon paper, inked ribbons, steel letters and figures for marking;
         (.14)   Leather footwear, leather footwear cut stock and findings, leather industrial belting and packing, and saddlery;
         (.15)   Locomotives, railroad cars, rapid transit vehicles, including component parts and auxiliary equipment;
         (.16)   Machinery, including engines and turbines; farm machinery and equipment; construction, mining and materials-handling machinery and equipment (including elevators and escalators); metal-working machinery and equipment, industrial machinery; and other machinery and parts;
         (.17)   Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment; motorcycles, bicycles, and parts; wheelbarrows; pushcarts; motorboats; sailboats; rowboats; lifeboats; canoes, and other boats; provided, that boat construction shall be limited to vessels of five gross tons or less;
         (.18)   Musical instruments and parts;
         (.19)   Perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations;
         (.20)   Phonograph records;
         (.21)   Photographic equipment and supplies;
         (.22)   Pickled fruits and/or vegetables (including sauerkraut); vegetable sauces, seasonings, and salad dressings;
         (.23)   Plastic articles, from purchased plastics;
         (.24)   Prepared meats and meat specialties;
         (.25)   Roasted coffee and coffee extracts;
         (.26)   Silverware; articles plated with silver, gold, or other metal; articles of nickel silver, pewter, or stainless steel tableware; provided, that any plating operation shall not occupy a total area of more than 2,500 square feet;
         (.27)   Vinegar; cider; flavoring extracts and syrups;
         (.28)   Wines, brandy and brandy spirits;
      (n)   Mixing and blending of paving materials such as cement, stone, asphalt, and sand; provided, that smoke controllers, dust collectors, exhaust washers, sediment tanks, or similar equipment to prevent escape of smoke or dust are installed and maintained;
      (o)   Painting, enameling, japanning, lacquering, oiling, staining, and/or varnishing, in completely enclosed buildings;
      (p)   Paper coating and glazing;
      (q)   Radio and television transmission, including towers;
      (r)   Repair of any product permitted to be manufactured in this district; provided, that this paragraph shall not be construed to limit repair uses specifically permitted in any Commercial or Limited Industrial District;
      (s)   Sawmills and planing mills; manufacture of millwork, veneer, plywood, and prefabricated structural wood-products; wooden containers, and kindred wood products;
      (t)   Stone cutting, shaping, and finishing, in completely enclosed buildings;
      (u)   Sugar or salt refining or finishing;
      (v)   Textile mills, and textile mill products; including woven fabric mills; knitting mills; dyeing and finishing; floor covering mills (except rugs of jute, burlap or sisal); yarn and thread mills; manufacture of tire cords and belting cords; other kindred textile goods;
      (w)   Tire vulcanizing and retreading;
      (x)   Trucking and railroad freight terminals, yards, sidings and shops;
      (y)   Public service heat, light or power plant; provided, that smoke controllers are installed and maintained;
      (z)   Accessory uses, customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses;
      (aa)   Outdoor advertising signs as permitted in Section 14-1604. 352
   (2)   Use Regulations – With Certificate. The following uses will be permitted in this district only if a Zoning Board of Adjustment Certificate is obtained:
      (a)   Storage or baling of junk, scrap metal, rags, waste paper and/or used rubber;
      (b)   Dismantling or wrecking of used motor vehicles, storage and sale of dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperative or wrecked vehicles or their parts;
      (c)   Public stable or dog kennel. 353
   (3)   Prohibited Uses. The specific uses which are prohibited in this district shall be the erection, construction, alteration, or use of buildings and/or land for:
      (a)   Any use or process specifically listed in any Least Restricted Industrial District; 354
      (b)   Dwellings, except such as are used for the residence of a caretaker, watchman, or custodian on the same lot with the principal use and located at least 10 feet from any other buildings;
      (c)   Hotels;
      (d)   Libraries, art galleries, and public museums;
      (e)   Hospitals, sanitaria, and eleemosynary and public welfare institutions;
      (f)   Open air theater or motion pictures; amusement parks; or outdoor entertainment or public assembly; and 355
      (g)   Indoor theater or motion pictures and any other entertainment of guests and patrons. 356
   (4)   Area Regulations.
      (a)   Occupied Area. Subject to the other provisions of this Section, buildings may occupy 100% of the lot area.
      (b)   Building Set-back Line. No building set-back line shall be required.
      (c)   Yards.
         (.1)   Front. No front yards shall be required;
         (.2)   Side. No side yard shall be required, but if any is used, it shall have a minimum width of six feet;
         (.3)   Rear. No rear yard shall be required but if any is used, it shall have a minimum depth of eight feet.
      (d)   Courts. The minimum width of a court between the wings of the same building shall be 12 feet. The least dimension of an inner court shall be eight feet, and such court shall contain a minimum area of 100 square feet.
   (5)   Height Regulations. There shall be no height regulations except as height may be limited by the other provisions of this district.
   (6)   Floor Area. No buildings shall have a gross floor area greater than 500% of the area of the lot.
   (7)   Bulk Regulations. The total bulk of a building or structure in cubic feet shall not exceed a number equal to 20 times the gross floor area permitted.
   (8)   Off-street Loading. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 14-1400 of this Title.
   (9)   Off-street Parking. With every building erected in this district after the effective date of this ordinance there shall be provided one off-street parking space for each 1,000 square feet in such building in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 14-1400 of this Title; provided, that:
      (a)   For warehouses and other buildings and structures used primarily for storage, one off-street parking space shall be provided for every 3,000 square feet of the gross floor area of the building, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 14-1400 of this Title.
   (10)   Signs. 357 Signs accessory to uses on the premises shall be permitted in this district only under the following conditions, subject to Section 14-508(10)(c) below: 358
      (a)   Signs facing one street line or utility right-of-way line shall be permitted an area of 15 square feet for each lineal foot of street line or utility right-of-way line, subject to the limitations provided for in (c) below.
      (b)   Signs facing more than one street line or utility right-of-way line shall be permitted an area upon each street line or utility right-of-way line as follows:
         (.1)   The shorter street line or utility right-of-way line frontage shall be permitted a sign area of 15 square feet for each lineal foot of street line or utility right-of-way line.
         (.2)   The longer street line or utility right-of-way line frontage shall be permitted a sign area of 5 square feet for each lineal foot of street line or utility right-of-way line; further provided, that the total sign area on the longer street line or utility right-of-way line frontage shall not be less than the equivalent sign area permitted upon the shorter street line or utility right-of- way line frontage.
         (.3)   Where a sign faces two or more shorter and/or longer street line frontages or utility right-of-way line frontage, the provisions of (.1) and (.2) shall apply to each of the said street or utility right-of-way frontages.
For (a) and (b) above, square footage permitted may be applied for each sign facing.
      (c)   The maximum sign area permitted for signs along each street or utility right-of-way frontage shall be as follows:
         (.1)   Subject to provisions of (10)(a) or (10)(b) above and provided frontage is a minimum of 60 feet in width, the maximum sign area permitted for signs along each street or utility right-of-way frontage shall be 1,500 square feet of sign area for each sign facing; provided further, that said sign area total on all facings shall not exceed 3,000 square feet.
         (.2)   Where a street or utility right-of-way frontage is smaller than 60 feet in width, the maximum sign area shall be 1,000 square feet for each sign facing and said total on all facings shall not exceed 2,000 square feet.
      (d)   Signs may be illuminated; provided, the illumination shall be focused upon the sign itself, so as to prevent glare upon the surrounding areas.
      (e)   Signs with flashing or intermittent illumination shall neither be erected within 100 feet of any residential district, nor face any residential district within 200 feet of the sign.
      (f)   Signs which revolve shall require a Certificate from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
      (g)   Any revolving devices which cause intermittent flashes of light to be projected shall be prohibited.
   (11)   The use of any land or building in the "G-2" General Industrial District or the "LR" Least Restricted Industrial District for which the Department of Licenses and Inspections has issued a use registration permit prior to December 15, 1987 shall be subject to the provisions of Section 14-104 of The Philadelphia Code, except that a non-conforming commercial use in an existing building which is discontinued for a period of less than three (3) consecutive years may resume as: 359
      (a)   The same non-conforming use. 360
      (b)   Another retail commercial use or service specifically permitted in the Area Shopping Center District (§ 14-309); provided that all of the following conditions have been complied with: 361
         (.1)   The commercial use be limited to that portion of the lot, floor of a building, or portion of a floor of a building for which the use registration permit had been issued prior to December 15, 1987; and that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to establish non-conforming rights to use any additional portion of a lot or building for uses permitted in the Area Shopping Center District (§ 14-309) when prior to December 15, 1987, only a smaller portion of a lot or building had been issued a use registration permit for a commercial use permitted in any commercial district.
         (.2)   The following residential or commercial uses as a main use or as an accessory use shall be prohibited:
            (.a)   Dwellings;
            (.b)   Hotels;
            (.c)   Hospitals, sanitaria, and eleemosynary and public welfare institutions;
            (.d)   Open air theater or motion pictures; amusement parks; or outdoor entertainment or public assembly; and
            (.e)   Indoor theater or motion pictures and any other entertainment of guests and patrons.
         (.3)   Any use which requires a Zoning Board of Adjustment Special Use Permit or Certificate in the Area Shopping Center District (§ 14-309) and which is not expressly permitted in this district, shall require the issuance of a Zoning Board of Adjustment Special Use Permit or Certificate.
         (.4)   The provisions of Section 14-312 and Section 14-313 pertaining to Commercial Rules and Exceptions shall be complied with. 362



   Amended, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1504.
   Amended, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1504; deleted, Bill No. 010338 (approved June 14, 2001).
   Added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1442; amended, 1992 Ordinances, p. 842; amended, Bill No. 000337 (approved September 12, 2000); amended, Bill No. 010338 (approved June 14, 2001).
   Amended, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1442.
   Added, 1977 Ordinances, p. 36.
   Added, 1979 Ordinances, p. 973.
   Amended, 1993 Ordinances, p. 972.
   Amended, 1993 Ordinances, p. 972.
   Added, 1993 Ordinances, p. 972.
   Amended, 1974 Ordinances, p. 336.
   Amended, 1977 Ordinances, p. 36.
   Added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 1442.
   Enrolled bill read "non-comforming".
   Amended, 1993 Ordinances, p. 972.
   Added, 1994 Ordinances, p. 1028.