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§ 14-404.  Procedure for Issuance of Permits in a Commercial Entertainment District.
   (1)   Prior to the issuance of any zoning permits in a Commercial Entertainment District, the Commission shall review the application and accompanying plans to determine if they are in accord with the approved Plan of Development.
      (a)   If the Commission determines that the proposed plans are in accord with the approved Plan of Development and is otherwise in accord with the provisions of Chapter 14-400, the Commission shall approve the proposed plans and return them to the Department of Licenses and Inspections for the issuance of zoning permits.
      (b)   The Commission may approve an application for temporary facilities and related temporary structures if the Commission determines that the temporary facilities and structures, and the proposed phasing of development, would not undermine the overall intent of the approved Plan of Development. 297
   (2)   No City department shall issue any building or zoning permit for any parcel zoned Commercial Entertainment District unless the Commission shall have approved the applicant's development plans as consistent with the requirements of this Chapter. The plans shall contain, as a minimum, the following information and details:
      (a)   Plans for the development of the entire district, or for a separate lot, parcel, or block within the district;
      (b)   The height, and use of all buildings and structures;
      (c)   All proposed set-backs and open space;
      (d)   The gross floor area of all buildings;
      (e)   Any proposed change to the existing confirmed street layout within or surrounding the boundaries of the district;
      (f)   The total occupied area of the district, expressed in square feet and percentages;
      (g)   A landscaping plan;
      (h)   A parking plan, including all driveways leading thereto and the size and location of all private drives or public streets intended to be used for automobile traffic. All proposed plans for off-street parking lots shall be approved by the Department of Streets;
      (i)   The size and location of all off-street loading facilities;
      (j)   The size and location of any signs.
   (3)   The Commission shall take no action on any proposed plans unless the Commission shall have first referred the plans to the Streets Department and the Water Department for their review. Said departments shall have thirty days to offer their recommendations. If the Commission fails to approve, disapprove, conditionally approve or table the proposal within 45 days after submission of complete plans to the Commission, the approval of the Commission shall be presumed. The Commission shall reply in writing informing the proponent as to the action that the Commission has taken.
   (4)   Where the approval of the Department of Streets is required before the issuance of a permit, including as provided in Sections 14-404(2)(h) and 14-408(2), relating to off-street parking, if the Department fails to approve, disapprove or conditionally approve the proposal within 45 days after submission of complete plans to the Department, the approval of the Department shall be presumed.



   Added, Bill No. 060631 (approved November 29, 2006).