As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALTERATION. Any construction, replacement or change to the exterior of a building or structure which requires a building permit, demolition permit, or development plan approval.
   CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS. The permit, issued by the Overlay District Commission, which gives its approval for work to be done in the overlay district.
   COMMISSION. The Pewee Valley Overlay District Commission.
   DEMOLITION. Any act that destroys in whole or part a landmark or a building or structure in a historic district or on a landmark site.
   ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Any work, the purpose of which is to correct deterioration or to prevent deterioration of a designated overlay district property. The work shall restore the property to its appearance prior to deterioration or shall result in the protection of its appearance. The work shall involve the use of the same, or equivalent, building materials or as close as possible to the original.
   PROPERTY. All structures including fences and buildings.
(Ord. 7, Series 2022, passed 11-2-2022)