New or existing private street lighting will be considered for inclusion within the city’s regularly maintained street lighting program, where it is intrinsic to public safety and uniformity, under the following conditions:
   (A)   The request be written and specific as to the exact location and type fixtures to be accepted by the city;
   (B)   A majority of those living around the street lighting that is the subject of the request consent in writing to the transfer; and also acknowledge in writing the terms of that acceptance stated in this section;
   (C)   All fixtures accepted be standard LG&E fixtures and poles of the type normally used by the city. If there is any different type of fixture or pole that is part of a request, the city has the option of accepting it on the condition that it be replaced with a standard fixture. The city has the option of accepting an upgraded fixture only if the requestor agrees in writing that for the useful life of the fixture and/or its attachment structure, the city’s only contribution will be an amount equal to the city’s standard cost for electricity (not maintenance) for that specific type of structure and fixture (no upgrades) through Louisville Gas and Electric Company;
   (D)   The number of fixtures and locations accepted by the city shall be limited to its purpose of providing for the public safety at intersections and entrances; and standardizing the type and intensity of city street lighting; and
   (E)   The fixtures meet all the standards set out in the city’s lighting ordinance.
(Ord. 2007-3, passed4-2-2007)