The following rules and regulations relating to the sanitary sewer system are hereby adopted and approved.
   (A)   In making private connections with the public sewer, the plumber, with the assistance of the Sewer Inspector, shall first locate the “Y” joint in the main sewer to which the connection is to be made, and uncover the same. Immediately after such “Y” joint has been located and uncovered, he or she shall make the connection therewith and then proceed to excate from the main sewer, by the shortest route, to the premises to be served. The work of connection with the main sewer shall be under the direct supervision of the Sewer Inspector. Any joints made with the main sewer shall be left uncovered until inspected and approved by the Sewer Inspector. Any work disapproved by the Sewer Inspector shall, upon written notice, be promptly remedied.
   (B)   Trenches in streets and alleys shall be excavated so as to impede public travel as little as possible. Gutters shall be left in such condition as to allow the escape of water.
   (C)   Red lights or flares shall be kept around all unfinished work at night, and sufficient barricades against accident shall be placed around the excavation at all times.
   (D)   All trenches shall be properly braced, and the person excavating shall be liable for all damages arising by reason of any neglect in this respect.
   (E)   Work in streets and alleys must not be unnecessarily delayed. Should an excavation in any street or alley be left open or unfinished for the space of 24 hours, or should the work be improperly done, or excavated material not be removed, the Sewer Inspector shall finish or correct the work, and the expense incurred shall be charged to the consumer and paid by him or her before he or she shall be allowed to use the sewer facilities.
   (F)   The refilling of all trenches shall be done in uniform layers of not exceeding nine inches and thoroughly tamped, so as to replace all excavated material and leave the surface in as good condition as found before the commencement of the work.
   (G)   In the event of the settling of a refilled excavation within one year after being refilled, the Sewer Inspector shall have the right and it shall be his or her duty to require restoration by the party who made such excavation or by the property owner for whom said work was done.
   (H)   Changes of directions of pipes must be made by properly curved pipe and not by edging or cutting.
   (I)   The Sewer Inspection shall have access at all times to any premises or building connected with any sewer, to examine the same.
   (J)   All fixtures connected with the sewer shall be equipped with suitable traps, and whenever the Sewer Inspector shall deem it necessary, screens shall also be used to prevent entrance of objectionable matter.
   (K)   No one shall deposit or cause or permit to be deposited in any vessel or receptacle connected with the public sewers, any matter or thing whatsoever that will tend to obstruct the sewer pipes or impede free passage of the legitimate contents thereof.
(Ord. 224, passed 10-5-1971) Penalty, see § 51.99