§ 157.046 DRAINAGE.
   (A)   The municipality does not offer drainage services, except through development standards, and/or developmental amenities. In cases of recent subdivisions, zoning and development standards require the developer to provide on-site stormwater collection and retention for the subdivision/ development in order to provide drainage services.
   (B)   Generally, county authorities are responsible for maintaining the county's system of drains and ditches (with such services being paid through specific levies by the county).
   (C)   In those portions of the municipality which were developed under historic development standards, there is a system of storm sewers which the municipality maintains, however, this storm sewer system was developed under the development parameters operative at the time of original construction and the storm sewer system is not extended into newer developments. Recent changes in the state regulatory structure at IDEM have begun to require that municipalities create a separate stormwater utility to manage stormwater issues and policies for the municipality. The stormwater utility for the city has only recently been initiated, however, the preliminary role of the stormwater utility is to manage the discharge of collected urban stormwater to the surface waters of Indiana, rather than to expand the stormwater collection system. Due to the heavy burden of state and federal regulations, the basic initiative for the stormwater utility would be categorized as a policy of reducing stormwater discharge, rather than expanding the storm sewer system. This goal is accomplished by requiring new subdivisions to retain stormwater onsite, as stated above.
(Ord. 24-2002, passed 8-5-02)