(a)   The Council, with or without Petition, vacating any street or part of street or changing the name of any street may include in one ordinance the change of name or the vacation or narrowing of more than one street, avenue, or alley, but before vacating any street or part thereof, or narrowing any street, the Council shall first pass a resolution declaring its intention so to do after hearing and notice as required by law.
   (b)   Any person, owning property in the general vicinity of the street, avenue or alley to be vacated or to have its name changed may file a petition with the Village and follow the following:
      (1)   The request needs to be in writing upon a form prescribed by the Village; and
      (2)   The petition needs to set forth the reason why the street, avenue or alley should be vacated; and
      (3)   The person making the request shall have a survey prepared at his/her cost and provide a copy of the survey to the Village; and
      (4)   The person making the request, upon approval of an Ordinance by the legislative authority, shall reimburse the Village for all costs associated with the petition process; including, but not limited to: publication fees, recording fees, etc.
         (Ord. 10-2021. Passed 8-2-21.)