Chapter 109
Accepting Donation Policy
109.01   Policy adopted.
   (a)   Purpose. This policy serves as a guideline for the Village of Perry who assist in the donation, solicitations process and prospective donors who wish to donate to the Village of unrestricted, restricted and trust funds. As donations can encourage others to give, this donation policy is intended only as guide and allows for flexibility on a case-by-case basis.
   (b)   Guidelines.
      (1)   The Mayor, Council and employees have the authority to solicit and/or accept donations.
      (2)   The Council has the right to accept or reject any donation by motion.
      (3)   The prospective donor may designate their donation be restricted, however Council will determine if their request will be honor. The prospective donor must note the restriction in writing.
      (4)   The prospective donor must rely on their own personal advisors for tax, legal, financial and other advice concerning their donation.
   (c)   Types of Donations.
      (1)   Cash.
         A.   The Village regardless of amount shall accept all donations by cash or check.
         B.   Checks shall be made payable to the Village of Perry. In no event shall a check be made payable to an employee, Council or Mayor.
         C.   A duplicate receipt will be given when accepting cash, which will require it being signed by the person accepting the cash and the donor. The cash will then be turn into the Chief Fiscal Officer to be deposited.
      (2)   Equipment/furniture. The Village will accept donations of new or used equipment/furniture that are determined to be used by the Village. The Council shall make the determination.
      (3)   Airline tickets or air miles. The Village will not accept airline tickets or air miles.
      (4)   Securities.
         A.   The Village Finance Committee will review then recommend to Council if they wish to accept publicly traded securities, including stocks, mutual funds, municipal and corporate bonds, and treasury bills and notes.
         B.   After acceptance, such securities shall be sold immediately.
      (5)   Real estate.
         A.   Real estate gifts can include personal residences, rental properties, office buildings, land, and other structures.
         B.   As real estate can be highly illiquid, costly to maintain, and have pre-existing conditions attached to it, the Village Finance Committee will review a donation of real estate and recommend to Council.
         C.   The Village Finance Committee shall physically inspect the real estate. The inspection is to identify any environmental, financial, legal, marketing and public relations risks, hazards or liabilities. If deemed necessary by the consultant, an environmental survey may be recommended before accepting donation. The donor is responsible for obtaining the survey. Upon review of the survey, the Village Finance Committee and the consultant shall recommend acceptance or declination of the donation to Council.
         D.   The donor is responsible for obtaining an appraisal of the property.
         E.   Prior to the Village Finance Committee recommending to Council the donor must provide the following documents: real estate deed; real estate tax bill; plot plan; substantiation of zoning status; environmental site assessment.
         F.   If the donor is giving a life estate gift, the donor may be asked to pay for all or a portion of the following: maintenance cost; real estate taxes; insurance; and appraisal costs.
         G.   For acceptance purpose, the value of the donation is the appraised value of the real estate.
         H.   The Village Finance Committee will review and recommend to Council properties with a mortgage.
      (6)   Tangible personal property.
         A.   The Village Finance Committee will review donation and recommend to Council.
         B.   Potential contributions include are but not limited to, antiques, jewelry, collections, automobiles and equipment.
         C.   Depending upon the anticipated value of the donation, the Village Finance Committee shall have a qualified outside appraiser value the donation before recommending to Council for acceptance.
      (7)   Life insurance. The Village will accept a donation of life insurance policy only when the Village is named as the owner and beneficiary of 100% of the policy and Council approval.
      (8)   Memorials. Village Council may approve the acceptance of item “in Memory of”.
   (d)   Administrative Issues.
      (1)   The Village Mayor, Council or employees shall not act as an executor or executive (personal representative) of a donor's estate.
      (2)   The Village Council must accept all donation prior to them be deposited or recorded on the books at their next regular Council meeting.
(Res. 62-2017. Passed 4-12-18.)