(A) The area of land to be developed as a subdivision shall not be less than five acres.
(B) Properties adjacent to the subdivision shall not be adversely affected.
(C) The use of the land shall not differ substantially from the uses permitted in the district in which the subdivision is located, except that limited business facilities, intended to serve only the subdivision and fully integrated into the design of the project, may be considered and multiple-family dwellings may be considered in single-family residential districts if they are so designed and sited that they do not detract from the character of the neighborhood in which they occur.
(D) The subdivision shall be consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
(E) Proposals for the subdivision shall be reviewed, and recommendations made, by the Plan Commission, to determine if the proposed subdivision is consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and in the best interests of the county.
(F) The subdivision shall have adequate provisions for roadways, public utilities, drainage and any other matters which, in the opinion of the Plan Commission, are necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter and an orderly development of the subdivision.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)
An applicant for a low density subdivision shall submit those documents as the Zoning Administrator requires and upon examination, the Zoning Administrator may approve the subdivision or may refer the matter to the Plan Commission for action.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)
(A) (1) Any person desiring to establish a high density subdivision shall prepare an initial application therefor, in a form to be determined by the County Zoning Administrator.
(2) Following the submission of the application to the Zoning Administrator, the Plan Commission shall set a preliminary meeting to discuss the proposed subdivision with the applicant.
(3) At this meeting the applicant shall be prepared to discuss the details of the proposed subdivision, including such items as the proposed use, existing features of the area, any existing covenants, land characteristics, the availability of utilities, the size of the development, public areas proposed therein, any protective covenants and proposed street improvements.
(B) (1) Following the advisory meeting, the Plan Commission shall notify the applicant of what additional information the Plan Commission requires before formally acting on approval of the application.
(2) After the applicant submits to the Plan Commission the additional information required by the Plan Commission following the above preliminary meeting, the Plan Commission shall set the same for a formal hearing and at the hearing shall hear testimony and comments from the applicant and other interested parties and shall then act upon whether the application shall be approved.
(3) The notice for the formal meeting to approve the subdivision shall either be that required by statute, or that required for a proposed zoning variance pursuant to the county zoning regulations, whichever method provides the greater notice.
(C) The approval of the Plan Commission may include certain future requirements imposed upon the applicant, and may also include the posting of the improvement bonds as the Plan Commission shall determine appropriate, together with terms and conditions of the bond.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)
The fee for a low density subdivision shall be $200 and the fee for a high density subdivision shall be $400, both of which shall be due and payable upon the applicant’s first submitting a request for approval of a subdivision to the Zoning Administrator.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)