(A) The Village Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Village. The Village Administrator shall be responsible to the Village President and Board of Trustees for the proper administration of all affairs, departments, and offices of the village and to report directly to the President and Board of Trustees thereon.
(B) The Village Administrator, except as otherwise required by law, shall be the direct representative of the Board of Trustees in the transaction of all village business and in all matters concerning the citizens of the village and, to the extent not prohibited by law, shall have such specific duties as are assigned from time to time by the Board of Trustees, including but not limited to, those duties and authorities specifically provided for herein as follows:
(1) To attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees (except closed sessions thereof to consider information relating to the appointment of, removal of, or complaints against the Village Administrator) and such meetings of village committees and commissions as may be deemed necessary.
(2) To recommend to the Board of Trustees for adoption such measures as the Village Administrator may deem necessary or appropriate.
(3) To supervise the preparation of the budget and tax levies annually and submit them to the Board of Trustees together with a summary describing the important features, and to be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption.
(4) To prepare and submit to the Board of Trustees, at the end of each fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the village for the preceding year.
(5) To recommend to the Village President the appointment, demotion and/or dismissal of all employees of the village, including recommendations regarding the salaries of such employees which are to be within the specified limits set in the village's pay plan and annual budget and/or appropriations ordinance.
(6) To reprimand and to suspend any employee (except for police employees) for a period of not to exceed ten days, and to recommend to the President and Board of Trustees the suspension of any employee for more than ten days.
(7) Except as otherwise required by law, to be responsible for the handling of complaints, suggestions, requests, applications and petitions and other correspondence or communications directed to the village (or any officer or officers or any committee thereof, and whether received directly by the Administrator or through the Board of Trustees or any individual or committee thereof or any other officer of the village) and, whenever possible, to take action immediately to adjust matters which do not require official action of the Board of Trustees.
(8) To be responsible for the maintenance of and upkeep of the Village Hall and all village-owned real estate and personal property.
(9) To act as the village's chief purchasing agent and to authorize all purchase orders and contracts for services, supplies, materials or equipment, or for contractual services, including printing and publication, and all work or other public improvement contracts involving the expenditure of not more than $4,999, provided, however, no such purchase order or contract shall be authorized without a prior unexpended and unencumbered appropriation in sufficient amount for such purposes.
(10) To supervise the preparation of an agenda for all regularly scheduled and special Board meetings.
(11) To perform related work to all of the above and such other duties as required by the Village Board, including making of such reports as may be requested by the Village President or Board of Trustees.
(12) To provide for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the village.
(13) To keep the Village President and Village Board fully advised as to the present financial condition of the village and future needs of the village.
(14) To keep the Village President and Village Board fully informed of available grants, loans and other financial and/or capital improvements assistance that may be available through federal, state, county and other governmental and private sources.
(15) To advise the Village Board on pending decisions of public policy and recommend to the Board the adoption of such measures as the Village Administrator may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety, or welfare of the community or for the improvement of administrative services.
(16) To propose to the Village Board such personnel rules and regulations as the Village Administrator deems necessary to manage the personnel policies of the village.
(17) To perform such other duties as maybe specified by law or village ordinance or as may from time to time be requested or directed by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 01-12, passed 9-4-01)