§ 100.22 PENALTIES.
   (A)   Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to fine in accordance with the penalty provisions of this Code. There may be times when the village will incur delay or other costs, including third party claims, because the utility will not or cannot perform its duties under its permit and this chapter. Unless the utility shows that another allocation of the cost of undertaking the requested action is appropriate, the utility shall bear the village's costs of damages and its costs of installing, maintaining, modifying, relocating, or removing the facility that is the subject of the permit. No other administrative agency or commission may review or overrule a permit related cost apportionment of the village. Sanctions may be imposed upon a utility that does not pay the costs apportioned to it.
   (B)   In the event the Peotone Police, the Village Code Enforcement Officer or other designee of the village elects to charge a person with a violation of a provision of this chapter under a compromise citation, the person charged may settle and compromise the claim without a court appearance by payment of one-half of the minimum required fine to the Village Clerk of the Village Hall within ten business days of the date of the violation if the compromise box designation is so checked on the "Complaint and Notice to Appear" form.
(Ord. 07-36, passed 1-14-08)