(A)   Permit required for pyrotechnic displays. No pyrotechnic displays of fireworks, as such displays are defined in the Fireworks Use Act (ILCS Ch. 425, Act 35, §§ 0.01 et seq.), and the Pyrotechnic Distributor and Operator Licensing Act (ILCS Ch. 225, Act 227 §§ 1 et seq.) (collectively, for purposes of this section, the State Acts) may take place within the village without a permit issued by the village in compliance with this section, the State Acts, and applicable state and local regulations.
   (B)   (1)   Pyrotechnic display applications and permits. An application for a village pyrotechnic display license must be submitted to the Village Clerk in writing by a person 18 years old or older at least 15 days in advance of the date of the planned pyrotechnic display, unless such 15-day requirement is waived by the corporate authorities and Chief of the Peotone Fire Protection District. The application must identify the validly licensed lead pyrotechnic operator and pyrotechnic distributor, as those terms are defined in the State Act. No permit for a pyrotechnic display shall issue without:
         (a)   Proof that the applicant has liability insurance in a sum not less than $1,000,000 with an insurer licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. The insurance coverage shall be an occurrence based policy, and shall cover all periods of time when pyrotechnic materials are in the insured’s actual and constructive possession;
         (b)   Verification that the lead pyrotechnic operator and distributor possess valid state licenses;
         (c)   Verification that all pyrotechnic assistants will be at least 18 years of age at the time of the display;
         (d)   An inspection of the site by the Chief of the Peotone Fire Protection District and submission to the village of his or her written determination that the display shall not be hazardous to property or endanger any person or persons and that the display can be performed in full compliance with applicable state and local regulations and the rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal.
      (2)   A permit may issue upon compliance with the above requirements. Permits shall be signed by the Village President or his or her designee, and shall identify the lead pyrotechnic operator.
   (C)   All other fireworks displays or use prohibited. Consumer fireworks displays, as defined in the State Acts, and any other exhibition, display, use, or explosion of fireworks, as defined in the State Acts, other than pyrotechnics displays exempted pursuant to division (D) below, or pyrotechnic displays conducted pursuant to a valid permit in conformance with this section, are prohibited in the village.
   (D)   Supervised public pyrotechnic displays by state or county fair associations are exempt from the permitting requirements of this section.
   (E)   Permits issued pursuant to this section are nontransferable to another person or entity.
('70 Code, § 10.1) (Am. Ord. 06-04, passed 5-8-06) Penalty, see § 93.99