(A) All donations of electronics and furniture, and donations of household goods too large to fit in the donation box, are prohibited.
(B) Donation boxes shall not be allowed in residential districts.
(C) Donation boxes shall not be allowed on vacant land.
(D) All donation boxes must be placed within the buildable area of a lot.
(E) No donation boxes shall be placed in a parking space or infringe on parking in any way.
(F) All donation boxes shall be placed on a hard, permanent surface.
(G) No license shall be issued for a donation box if its depth or width exceeds six feet, or if its height exceeds eight feet.
(H) The name and telephone number of the donation box licensee shall be permanently and prominently affixed to the front of each donation box.
(I) The pick-up times for removal of all donated contents shall be posted and be visible on the front of the box.
(J) All donations must be fully contained within the donation box. Donations not fully contained in the donation box are considered a public nuisance and subject to removal by the village at the property and/or donation box owners’ expense.
(K) The total number of donation boxes that may be licensed and located on a lot at any time is limited to two.
(Ord. 17-30, passed 3-26-18) Penalty, see § 124.99