It shall be unlawful for any person to cut, fell, injure, or remove any tree standing on any street right-of-way, parkway or any other public area in the village unless such person shall apply to the Village Clerk for a permit and obtain approval from the Tree Board. The Tree Board shall take into consideration the health, size and location of the tree when deciding on whether to issue a permit. The village shall issue an approved permit only when such person has deposited the sum of $500 into a non-interest bearing escrow account with the village to guarantee that such person replaces the tree so removed. The replacement tree shall be of at least two-inch caliper of a variety on the village's approved tree list. The escrow amount shall be returned to such person when the replacement tree has been planted. However, if such person does not replace the removed tree within six months after removal, then the entire escrow amount shall be forfeited for the village to replace the tree.
(Ord. 17-02, passed 4-10-17)