(A)   No person shall commence excavation in any public street or public ground until that person has applied to the City Clerk for an excavation permit. Such application shall indicate the location of the excavation, the name and address of the applicant who is to do the work, whether public liability insurance is in force, and that the applicant has checked the underground map of all utilities, and other owners of underground facilities, and that the applicant has notified those persons or companies of the time that excavation will commence. The making of an application shall be deemed notice to the city of the plan to cut the street surfacing or pavements, and to obstruct the public way. Such permits shall not be valid until six hours after receipt, unless the Clerk waives this requirement.
   (B)   In an emergency, authorized persons or companies may commence excavations, provided that they shall have made a reasonable effort to inform the city and the utilities whose underground utilities might be involved in any way, and those involved in the excavation shall make written application at the earliest practicable moment. The Clerk may provide on the form for the certification that the applicant has notified all utilities and other parties required by this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 6-6-1)