It is herefore ordained by the Town Council that before a connection to the public water supply will be made by the Town Water Co.:
(A) Private wells must be abandoned permanently in a manner consistent with the American Water Association Standard (section 13) as approved by A.N.S.I. as shown in Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance 1997- 01, passed May 13, 1997, except when the private well constitutes the water supply for an existing open-loop geothermal heat pump, and;
(B) The water customer with a private well permitted under the exception in division (A) of this section will be required to install and maintain a reduced pressure principal backflow preventer as defined by IAC 8-10, and;
(C) Town Water Company personnel must be given at least four hours notice to have the opportunity to observe the abandonment of the well.
(Ord. 1997-01, passed 5-13-97)