This franchise is granted pursuant to Article 8, Section 15 of the Constitution of South Carolina and Act No. 283, of the South Carolina Statutes at Large, 1975, and is subject to all Franchises and permits heretofore granted by the Council to use the streets, alleys, lanes and public places of the town by public utility or public service corporations. It is not intended by the grant of this franchise to abridge the exercise of the police power heretofore or hereafter granted to the town by the General Assembly. The grant of this franchise is subject to all ordinances and resolutions of the Council of the town as the same now exist or may be hereafter amended, revised, or modified in the lawful exercise of the police power or in the lawful exercise of any other power granted to the town by the General Assembly.
(Ord. 95-04, passed 2-14-95)