For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANDERSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE (ACSO). The agency that provides law enforcement for the Town of Pendleton.
   BEER. An alcoholic beverage of consumption obtained by the fermentation of a mash of various malted grains containing an amount of alcohol not exceeding 5% alcohol content by volume.
   BLOCK PARTY. A private outdoor gathering of 15 or more people on a public street, sidewalk, park or town property, and which may involve the closure of a street. This may include games, rides, live or taped music and the distribution of food and beverages.
   EVENT. Any festival, concert, bike or foot races, walks, or other announced public gathering upon any public street, right-of-way or property of the town.
   FILMING. Any filming of movies, commercials, documentaries, and other motion pictures, video projects, or commercial photographs.
   PARADE. Any parade, march, ceremony, show, exhibition, lecture, speech, entertainment, pageant, or procession of any kind or any similar display, demonstration, or conduct in or upon any public street, including sidewalk, park or other public place, in the town.
   PARADE PERMIT. A permit required by § 95.02.
   PERFORMANCE. Any public presentation, exhibition, fireworks display or appearance upon any public street, right-of-way, or property of the town.
   PRIVATE ASSEMBLAGE. A private indoor or outdoor gathering of any number of persons on public property or buildings which requires a town issued permit, reservation or permission of use.
   SERVICE ANIMALS. Animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities - such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other special tasks. SERVICE ANIMALS are working animals, not pets.
   TOWN OF PENDLETON (TOWN). A representative of the Town of Pendleton represented by the Town Administrator or their designee to administer parade, event, block party, performance and filming permits.
   UNIT. Any animal, vehicle, conveyance, or person participating in a parade.
   WINE. An alcoholic beverage of consumption made by the fermentation of the juice of grapes, berries or other plants containing an amount of alcohol not exceeding 21% alcohol content by volume.
(Ord. 08-04, passed 6-2-08)