(A)   General. No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered without a building permit first having been issued by the Zoning Administrator. No building permit shall be issued unless the proposed construction or use is in conformance with all of the provisions of this chapter and with all other applicable codes, regulations, and laws of the village and with all orders, and variances lawfully issued by the Board of Adjustment. A building permit shall not be required for agricultural (non-residential) buildings or structures in the AGR Agricultural Districts or for improvements which have a value of $1,000 or less. If the work for which a permit has been issued shall not have begun within six months of the date thereof, or if the construction shall be discontinued for a period of six months, the permit shall be void. Before work can be resumed, a new permit shall be obtained in the same manner and form as an original permit.
   (B)   Application for building permit. All applications for a building permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan showing the location, ground area, height, and bulk of all present and proposed structures, additions, parking areas, and site improvements; the actual dimensions and shape of the lot lines; the uses to be built upon; the building lines in proposed structures or additions; and any other reasonable and pertinent information as may be required by the Zoning Administrator or the proper enforcement of this chapter.
   (C)   Approval or disapproval of permit. The Zoning Administrator shall examine all applications for building permits, including plans, specifications, and documents filed therewith and shall either approve or disapprove such application within 30 days of receipt of same. Upon approval and receipt of required fees, the Zoning Administrator shall promptly issue the building permit and shall affix his or her signature to the permit and the plans and mark the plans “Approved.” Upon disapproval of the application, the Zoning Administrator shall refuse to issue the permit and shall state in writing on the plans the reasons for disapproval, affix his or her signature, and mark the plans “Disapproved.”
   (D)   Appeal from approval or disapproval. An appeal from approval or disapproval of any application shall be made to the Board of Zoning Adjustment in writing within ten days after the determination of the Zoning Administrator has been filed.
(Ord. passed 8- -2010) Penalty, see § 151.999