(A)   Fifteen mph speed limit areas.
      (1)   There is hereby established a provision to authorize the erection of three 15 mph speed limit signs for the following locations within the village limits, to-wit:
         (a)   Two signs on Whitney Street between Sixth Street and Norris Avenue; and
         (b)   One sign on Maple Street between Sixth Street and Norris Avenue.
      (2)   The Village Utilities Superintendent was directed to erect the appropriate signs at these locations.
   (B)   Fourth Street (Highway #9).
      (1)   (a)   There is hereby establish a provision for the control of speed on Fourth Street (Highway #9) when proceeding north from Industrial Road to Willis Street in the village.
         (b)   There is hereby established a provision for the control of speed on Fourth Street (Highway #9) when proceeding south from Willis Street to Industrial Road in the village.
      (2)   The speed limits in both directions on Fourth Street (Highway #9) shall by 45 mph from the south corporate limes (at Industrial Road to Logan Street), 30 mph from Logan Street to Willis Street and 40 mph from Willis Street to the north corporate limits (790 feet north of Willis Street).
      (3)   The state’s Department of Roads was requested to erect appropriate signs at these locations.
   (C)   Main Street (Highway #94).
      (1)   The speed limit in both directions on Main Street (Highway #94) shall be 25 mph from Fourth Street (Highway #9) to the east corporate limits (110 feet west of the bridge over Logan Creek).
      (2)   The state’s Department of Roads was requested to erect appropriate signs at these locations.
(Ord. 609, passed 12-14-2015; Ord. 685, passed 4-24-2023) Penalty, see § 70.99