(A)   Water and wastewater. Measurement of water and wastewater facilities will be based on design capacities and service flows. Usage and discharge will be based on adopted level of service standards. These levels may be amended when substantiated by engineering studies which are reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and/or amendment to the Pembroke Pines Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   Roadways. The initial measurement of highway capacities is the Florida DOT Table of Generalized Daily Level-of-Service Maximum Volumes, made available to local government for use from January 1989 through December 1990. Future capacities standards will be issued by FDOT as necessary. The measurement of capacity may also be determined through substantiation in the form of engineering studies or other data. Traffic analysis techniques must be technically sound and justifiable as determined by the City Engineer. Alterations to capacity on the State Highway Network shall require the opportunity for FDOT review. Any developments that are determined to be within or create a compact deferral area may be reviewed with input by the Broward County Office of Planning and any other affected agencies to determine if an Action Plan can resolve the capacity deficiencies.
   (C)   Drainage. Measurement of drainage facilities will be based on the South Florida Water Management District and the South Broward Drainage District basin design standards. Variations may exist for specific parcels but the overall effect of the area drainage system must meet established water management practices and criteria.
   (D)   Solid waste. Measurement of solid waste capacity shall be based on the generation rates outlined in this section and the capacity of the landfill.
   (E)   Recreation. Measurement shall be based on net acreage of land that qualifies as fulfilling the public recreation lands requirement as follows:
      (1)   Compliance with § 154.35 of this code;
      (2)   Fifty percent of lakes and golf courses; or
      (3)   Private recreational facilities.
(Ord. 936, passed 10-17-90)