Before any work on a swimming pool or a swimming pool safety barrier is commenced, permits shall be secured for all swimming pools and for the safety barriers. Plans shall contain all details necessary to show compliance with the terms and conditions of this subchapter. No swimming pool permit shall be issued unless simultaneously therewith a permit is secured for the erection of the required safety barrier. If the premises are already enclosed, a permit for the safety barrier shall not be required, if, upon inspection of the premises, the existing barrier is proven to be satisfactory.
('69 Code, § 6-48) (Ord. 33, passed 3-2-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
Any existing pool not enclosed with a pool barrier, excluding pools existing within an adult condominium development that has established pool committees and lifeguards and has executed an agreement for indemnification of the city, shall be enclosed with a pool barrier in accordance with §§ 150.52, 150.55, and 150.56(B).
('69 Code, § 6-49.1) (Ord. 509, passed 6-25-79) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Where the swimming pool safety barrier is a wooden-type fence, the boards, pickets, louvers, or other members shall be spaced, constructed, and erected so as to make the fence nonscalable and impenetrable.
(B) Walls, whether of the rock or block type, shall be so erected as to make them nonscalable.
(C) Wire fences shall be the two-inch chain-link or diamond weave nonscalable type, or of an approved equal, with top rail. They shall be of a heavy, galvanized material, or any other rustproof material measuring up to that standard.
('69 Code, § 6-49) (Ord. 33, passed 3-2-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No swimming pool final inspection and approval shall be given by the Building and Zoning Department, unless a safety barrier has been erected as required herein.
('69 Code, § 6-45)
(B) It shall be within the discretion of the Building Inspector to refuse approval of any swimming pool safety barrier which, in his opinion, does not furnish the safety requirements of this subchapter, that is, that is high enough and so constructed as to keep children of preschool age from getting over or through it.
('69 Code, § 6-46)
(Ord. 33, passed 3-2-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
Any person violating any of the provisions of this subchapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
('69 Code, § 6-50) (Ord. 33, passed 3-2-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) All applications for permits to construct or use existing buildings for theatre, auditorium, or motion picture purposes shall have plans prepared showing the following.
(1) Ingress and egress to the building and all appurtenant structures.
(2) All arrangements for seating, including aisles, number of seats, stages, projection rooms, and other facilities.
(3) Fire exits, escapes, and other doors and doorways.
(4) Off-street parking sufficient to accommodate all patrons to be seated within the theatre, auditorium, and motion picture house.
(5) Design of any advertising, signs, billboards, marquees and other exterior structures or appurtenances.
(B) The plans and specifications shall be presented to the Building and Zoning Department for preliminary approval as to conformity with the Building Code of the city and other applicable ordinances, as well as compliance with the Southeastern Fire Underwriters rules and regulations relating to public theatres and auditoriums. The Building and Zoning Department shall then make a determination and recommendation to the City Commission as to the compliance of the plans for the proposed theatre or auditorium with the foregoing provisions, rules, and regulations. The plans and specifications shall also be submitted to the State Fire Marshal for his approval.
(C) All plans and specifications shall be presented to the City Commission for approval before any permit shall be issued for the construction of a theatre, auditorium, or motion picture house or the use of an existing building for such purposes. No plans shall be approved unless the City Commission finds that adequate provision has been made for ingress and egress, fire exits, public safety, off-street parking, handling of traffic, signs, and other indications of use consistent with good morals and the proper development of commercial establishments within the city. The criteria for approval of the foregoing, particularly the requirements set forth in division (A) above, shall be in conformity with the applicable building and zoning ordinances and regulations of the city and other regulatory statutes of the city and state.
('69 Code, § 6-51) (Ord. 243, passed 12-21-70) Penalty, see § 10.99