§ 154-09-010 SUBDIVISIONS.
   (A)   Platting procedures and requirements. The following is a list of steps to complete the subdivision platting process:
      (1)   Pre-application conference.
      (2)   Development Services Committee.
      (3)   Preliminary plat pre-submittal for staff review.
      (4)   Preliminary plat submittal and approval.
      (5)   Final plat submittal and approval.
   (B)   Pre-application conference.
      (1)   Actions by the subdivider. The subdivider shall meet informally with the Planning and Zoning and Public Works Staff to present a general outline of its proposal, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Sketch plans and ideas regarding land use, street and lot arrangements and tentative lot sizes.
         (b)   Tentative proposals regarding water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage and street improvements.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning and Public Works Staff shall provide the subdivider with information and requirements, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Procedures, design, improvement standards and plat requirements;
         (b)   Review the proposal in conjunction with the Town of Payson General Plan Land Use Element and determine if the proposed project meets the criteria of the General Plan.
         (c)   Review existing zoning of the property and make recommendations if a zoning change is required or desirable.
         (d)   Review the adequacy of existing or proposed schools, parks, and other public amenities.
         (e)   Review the site or otherwise determine its relationship to major streets, utility systems, and adjacent land uses and to determine any unusual problems such as topography, utilities, flooding, traffic circulation, etc.
   (C)   Development Services Committee. The subdivider shall meet with the Development Services Committee prior to submitting an application for subdivision of land.
   (D)   Preliminary plat pre-submittal review. The subdivider prepares a preliminary plat based on the information provided from the pre-application meeting, the development services meeting, and any re-zoning stipulations. This document is then submitted to the Community Development and Public Works Staff for a preliminary review prior to the official submittal. The purpose of this review is to eliminate minor errors or omissions that may cause a time delay during the official review.
   (E)   Preliminary plat submittal. The preliminary plat for a subdivision includes detailed subdivision planning. The preliminary plat is reviewed to determine compliance with applicable codes and regulations governing subdivision. The following is a list of requirements for preliminary plat approval:
      (1)   Zoning. The subdivision shall be designed to meet the specific requirements for the zoning district within which it is located. If a rezoning is required, the town staff shall not proceed with processing of the preliminary plat until the Council has approved the re-zoning application.
      (2)   Sanitary sewage, water supply, grading, and drainage.
         (a)   Sanitary sewage. All new single family residential properties less than two acres in size and all multi-family, commercial, and industrial properties shall be connected to the Northern Gila County Sanitary District (NGCSD). All new single family residential properties two acres or greater in size shall be connected to the Northern Gila County Sanitary District if: 1) the property is located within the NGCSD boundaries and there is an adequate public sewer within 1,000 feet of the nearest property line as measured along the usual or most feasible route of access; or 2) the property is not within the NGCSD boundaries, but there is an adequate public sewer within 500 feet of the nearest property line as measured along the usual or most feasible route of access and, the total cost of connecting to the sanitary sewer system is less than two times the cost of installing an on-site disposal system. A public community sewage treatment system other than the NGCSD may be approved if the property is not currently within the NGCSD, and if deemed appropriate by the Public Works Manager. All on-site sewage disposals systems shall also be approved by the Gila County Health Department.
         (b)   Water supply. All new single family residential properties less than two acres in size and all multi-family, commercial, and industrial properties shall be connected to the Town of Payson Water System. Single family residential lots two acres or greater in size are not required to connect to the Town of Payson water system. However, they may still be required to pay the standard development impact fees and to provide fire suppression as required by the Fire Department.
         (c)   Grading and drainage. All grading and drainage shall be in accordance with Chapters 151 and 152 of the Town of Payson Code of Ordinances.
      (3)   Preliminary plat submittal.
         (a)   The preliminary plat submittal package shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of division (E) of this section and § 154-07-002. The package shall be submitted at least 21 days prior to the commission meeting at which the subdivider desires to be heard. Upon submittal of a preliminary plat to the Community Development Department, the submittal package will be reviewed for completeness. If the submittal package is incomplete, the submittal shall be rejected and the submitter notified within five working days of the package submittal.
         (b)   Preliminary plat submittal package shall consist of at least the following items:
            1.   Completed Town of Payson application form.
            2.   Proof of ownership or a notarized "authorized agent" form.
            3.   Twenty folded copies of the preliminary plat. The folded copies shall be approximately 9" x 12" in size.
            4.   Two copies of the preliminary title report.
            5.   Two copies of the preliminary drainage report.
            6.   One copy of the hillside analysis map.
            7.   One copy of any proposed conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&R's).
            8.   One electronic copy of all submittal package items in .pdf format.
            9.   Citizen participation report as outlined in § 154-09-014. The results of the rezoning citizen participation meeting may be used for the preliminary plat if the rezoning citizen participation meeting was completed within the previous 12 months.
            10.   A tree survey may be required by the Community Development Department.
            11.   Preliminary plat filing fee in accordance with the current Town of Payson fee schedule. The filing fee pertains to this submittal only. Any amendments, extensions, etc. shall require payment of additional fees.
      (4)   Preliminary plat review. Upon acceptance of the preliminary plat submittal package, the Community Development Department shall transmit a copy of the preliminary plat to the following departments, agencies, and utility companies for their information, review and comment:
         (a)   Town Manager;
         (b)   Legal Department;
         (c)   Public Works Department;
         (d)   Water Department;
         (e)   Police Department;
         (f)   Fire Department;
         (g)   Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department;
         (h)   Unified School District;
         (i)   Arizona Public Service;
         (j)   Entity providing cable television services
         (k)   Northern Gila County Sanitary District;
         (l)   Entity providing landline telephone services;
         (m)   United States Postmaster in Payson;
         (n)   Arizona Department of Transportation (if project abuts a state highway);
         (o)   Payson Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest (if project abuts the National Forest);
         (p)   Town of Star Valley (if project abuts Town of Star Valley boundaries);
         (q)   Gila County (if project abuts property under Gila County jurisdiction);
         (r)   Tonto Apache Tribe (if a project abuts the Tonto Apache Reservation).
Each entity shall be given a minimum of eight working days to review the preliminary plat and provide written comments to the Community Development Department. The Community Development Department will incorporate all applicable comments in a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission as applicable.
      (5)   Preliminary plat approval.
         (a)   Upon acceptance of a preliminary plat submittal for subdivisions with more than ten lots and/or over ten acres in total area, the Community Development Department shall place the preliminary plat on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for review. The preliminary plat shall be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission within 30 days of receipt of a complete submittal package. Following review, the Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the preliminary plat. The Community Development Department will notify the applicant of the action taken by the Commission.
         (b)   Upon acceptance of a preliminary plat submittal for subdivisions with ten or fewer lots on property less than ten acres in total area, the Community Development Department shall review the preliminary plat within 30 days of receipt of a complete submittal package. Following review, the Community Development Department will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the preliminary plat and notify the applicant of the action taken by staff.
      (6)   If the preliminary plat is approved, such approval constitutes authorization for the subdivider to proceed with preparation of the final plat and the engineering plans and specifications for improvements. Preliminary approval is based upon the following items:
         (a)   The improvement plans and final plat will be prepared in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat and any conditions included in the approval.
         (b)   Approval is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of Commission approval. The Commission may grant up to two six month extensions of the approval if requested in writing by the subdivider. The project will be considered abandoned and the preliminary plat approval automatically withdrawn if the improvement plans and final plat are not approved prior to the expiration of the preliminary plat approval, including approved extensions.
         (c)   Preliminary approval, in itself, does not assure final acceptance of streets for dedication nor continuation of existing zoning requirements for the property or its environs, nor constitute authorization to record the final plat.
      (7)   Appeals to Council. Any applicant aggrieved by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning a preliminary plat may file an appeal with the Town Council. Such appeal shall be filed within 30 calendar days of the date on which the decision was rendered.
   (G)   Information required for preliminary plat submittal.
      (1)   Form of presentation. All information required as part of the preliminary plat submittal shall be shown graphically, by a note on plans, or by letter. The submittal may comprise several sheets showing various elements of required data. All mapped data shall be drawn at the same standard engineering scale, said scale having not more than 100 feet to an inch. The scale should be adjusted to produce an overall drawing measuring 24" x 36". However, for developments comprising a larger area, the drawings may measure 30" x 42". The preliminary plat shall be appropriately sealed by the Arizona registered professional that it was prepared by.
      (2)   Identification and descriptive data.
         (a)   Proposed name of subdivision and a sub-title stating the location by section, township, and range. The sub-title shall also include any relevant information regarding recorded surveys or plats surrounding or included in this development.
         (b)   Survey ties, including bearing and distance, to at least two acceptable government corners with full description of the corner, including accessories, approved by the Public Works Department.
         (c)   Name, address, and phone number of subdivider.
         (d)   Name, address, and phone number of the registered Arizona professional preparing plat.
         (e)   Scale, north arrow and date of preparation including dates of any subsequent revisions.
         (f)   A vicinity map which shall show the relationship of the proposed subdivision to main traffic arteries and any other facilities which might help to locate the subdivision.
         (g)   A sheet index is required for all preliminary plats with three or more sheets.
         (h)   Notes providing the following information:
            1.   The total acreage of the development;
            2.   The total number of lots, tracts and/or parcels within the development;
            3.   The existing zoning district(s) of the property within the development;
            4.   The density in dwelling units per acre for the proposed development;
            5.   The area and proposed use of each tract and parcel;
            6.   The benchmark used in determining elevations for this project;
            7.   The surveying basis of bearing;
            8.   That all new utilities will be installed underground;
            9.   That all utilities will be provided by the typical local utility companies;
            10.   Whether the streets within the proposed project will be publicly or privately owned;
            11.   Whether a home owners association is anticipated for the proposed development;
            12.   That all required street and traffic control signs will be installed by the subdivider.
         (i)   Include the following notes in substantially the form provided:
            "All improvements shall conform to the Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction distributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments, 1998, including all current revisions, the Town of Payson Standard Water Details and General Notes, and the Northern Gila County Sanitary District Standard Details for Sewer Construction, unless otherwise noted on the plans and approved by the appropriate reviewing agency."
            "All maintenance and repair of storm water and drainage facilities in this development, within or without a drainage easement, is the responsibility of the property owner where the storm water or drainage facility is located. However, the Town of Payson, or other public agency having jurisdiction, possess right of entry and access for clearing, cleaning, maintaining, and/or channelizing if the facility is not properly maintained by the property owner. All funds expended for this repair and/or maintenance by the Town of Payson, or other agency, may be charged to the individual property owner.
         (j)   If there are any requested variations to the required codes, those items must be listed or shown on the preliminary plat.
      (3)   Existing conditions data.
         (a)   Topography by contours, including spot elevations, as needed, based on the NAVD 88 survey datum shown on the same map as the proposed subdivision layout. Contour interval shall be such as to adequately reflect the character and drainage of the land;
         (b)   Location of water wells, streams, drainage ditches, washes, lakes, or other water features, including direction of flow;
         (c)   The location of the 100-year flood plain along major washes;
         (d)   The location of any major geologic, archeological, or historic feature within the boundaries of the proposed development (rock outcroppings, Indian ruins, etc.);
         (e)   Location, widths, and names of all dedicated street rights-of-way, utility easements, public areas, existing structures to remain, and municipal corporation lines within or adjacent to the proposed development;
         (f)   Name and Gila County Recorder's Office map number of any recorded adjacent subdivisions having common boundary with the proposed development;
         (g)   The existing zoning district of the adjacent properties; and
         (h)   Boundaries of the property to be subdivided shall be fully dimensioned.
      (4)   Proposed conditions data.
         (a)   Street layout including location, width, and proposed names of streets. The street layout shall also include connections to adjoining properties as per § 154-07-002(B). A cross-section of each proposed street configuration shall be included on the preliminary plat.
         (b)   Typical lot dimensions (scaled) for all lots.
         (c)   Each lot shall be numbered individually and consecutively beginning with lot number one. Each tract or parcel shall also be uniquely identified.
         (d)   Designation of all land to be dedicated or reserved for public use with use indicated.
         (e)   If plat includes land for which multi-family, commercial, or industrial use is proposed, such areas shall be clearly designated together with existing zoning districts and status of zoning change, if any.
         (f)   A copy of any proposed conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&R's) shall be filed with the preliminary plat.
      (5)   Proposed utility methods.
         (a)   Sewage disposal. The subdivider shall coordinate with the Northern Gila County Sanitary District for sanitary sewage service. A statement as to the type of proposed sewage facilities shall appear on the preliminary plat. A layout of the proposed sewer lines and manholes, including any extensions required to serve the property, shall be shown on the preliminary plat.
         (b)   Water supply. The subdivider shall coordinate with the Payson Water Department for water service. A layout of the proposed water system, including pipes and sizes, valves, fire hydrants, booster pumps, etc., and including any extensions required to serve the property shall be shown on the preliminary plat.
         (c)   Storm water drainage and disposal. Preliminary drainage calculations and layout of proposed system, including roadway crossings and conveyance sizes, drainage channels, detention basins, etc. All drainage facilities must have the appropriate easement in accordance with § 154-07-002(F)(2).
      (6)   Hillside analysis map. The following information shall be submitted for staff review to determine if the hillside requirements apply.
         (a)   A topographic map of the proposed project utilizing a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, containing the following information:
            1.   Contour lines at two foot intervals for slopes of 20% or less;
            2.   Contour lines at five foot intervals for slopes over 20%;
            3.   Elevations of critical locations, rock outcrops and other special geological formations;
            4.   A depiction of all areas where the slope is equal to or greater than 15% vs. those areas where the slope is less the 15%;
            5.   The location of all proposed streets, lots and tracts; and
            6.   The drawing shall be sealed by a civil engineer or land surveyor registered in the State of Arizona.
         (d)   Lots, parcels, or tracts where the slope is 15% or greater on at least 50% of the lot, parcel, or tract shall be identified and the following shall be noted on the preliminary plat and final plat: "The following [lot(s), parcel(s) and tract(s)] are subject to hillside development regulations and must have an approved Engineered Hillside Grading and Drainage plan in accordance with § 154-02-007(H) prior to the issuance of any building permits". (List identified lots, parcels or tracts)
   (H)   Final plat submittal. This step includes the final design of the subdivision, engineering of improvements and submittal of the improvement plans and final plat by the subdivider for review and approval.
      (1)   Zoning. The subdivision shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat.
      (2)   Easements. The subdivider shall provide on the final plat easements for utilities, drainage, slopes, etc. in the appropriate location and size as required for their designated purposes.
      (3)   Final plat preparation. The final plat shall be prepared in accordance with requirements set forth in division (G) of this section and shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat.
      (4)   Final plat submittal.
         (a)   The subdivider shall file with the Public Works Department 16 folded copies of the final plat, the appropriate filing and recording fees, together with a computer closure of the overall project boundary and each individual lot, parcel or tract for review. An updated title report no more than 15 days old shall also be include with the final plat submittal.
         (b)   Prior to staff and Council approval of the final plat, the subdivider shall coordinate with the Town of Payson Legal Department concerning the "Agreement to Construct Subdivision Improvements" in accordance with § 154-07-002(J).
      (5)   Final plat review.
         (a)   Upon receipt of the final plat submittal for review, the Public Works Department shall immediately record receipt and date of filing and check the submittal for completeness. If complete, the Department shall review the plat for substantial conformity to the approved preliminary plat and refer copies of the submittal to the following departments, utilities, and agencies for review and comment. All comments must be returned to the Public Works Department within ten working days.
            1.   Town Manager;
            2.   Legal Department;
            3.   Public Works Department;
            4.   Community Development Department;
            5.   Water Department;
            6.   Police Department;
            7.   Fire Department;
            8.   Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department;
            9.   Arizona Public Service;
            10.   Entity providing cable television service;
            11.   Northern Gila County Sanitary District;
            12.   Entity providing landline telephone service;
            13.   Arizona Department of Transportation (if project abuts a state highway);
            14.   Payson Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest (if project abuts National Forest);
            15.   Arizona Blue Stake;
            16.   Other governmental jurisdictions that abut the project.
         (b)   The Public Works Department shall compile all written comments received from the various reviewing departments and agencies and forward the comments to the submitter or subdivider, as appropriate, for corrections. When all comments have been adequately addressed, all information required by division (G) of this section is included on the final plat, and the project improvement plans have been approved, the Public Works Manager shall notify the subdivider to submit one fully executed Mylar original, two fully executed copies, one 8½ x 11 reduced copy of the final plat to the Public Works Department. This submittal shall be at least ten calendar days prior to the Council meeting at which consideration is desired. The Public Works Manager shall affix his/her signature to the first page of the final plat indicating approval, that the final plat substantially conforms to the preliminary plat, and that the improvement plans are in accordance with the subdivision requirements. He/she shall then forward the final plat to the Town Clerk to be placed on the agenda for the next regular Town Council meeting. The final plat shall be reviewed by the Town Council in conjunction with the projects' "Agreement to Construct Subdivision Improvements".
      (6)   Final plat approval.
         (a)   The Town Council shall approve the final plat if such plat complies will all of the requirements of this section.
         (b)   If the Council denies the plat for any reason whatsoever, the reasons therefor shall be recorded in the minutes.
         (c)   If the Town Council approves the final plat, the Mayor and Town Clerk shall so indicate by affixing their signatures and the Town Seal to the first page of the final plat.
         (d)   When the final plat has been signed and the subdivider and town have executed the "Agreement to Construct Subdivision Improvements", the Town Clerk shall forward the approved final plat to the Gila County Recorder's Office for recording. When the Recorder's Map Number for the final plat is available the Town Clerk shall enter that recording information on the appropriate exhibit of the "Agreement to Construct Subdivision Improvements" and forward the agreement to the Gila County Recorder's Office for recording.
         (e)   Final plat approval by the Town Council is valid for a period of six months. If the final plat is not recorded within the six month approval period due to a request of the developer, the final plat approval shall be automatically rescinded and the subdivision considered abandoned.
         (f)   If the final plat has not been submitted to the Gila County Recorder's Office for recording within 30 days of Council approval due to a request of the subdivider, an updated title report no more than 15 days old shall be submitted and accepted prior to the town forwarding the final plat to the Gila County Recorder's Office for recording.
   (G)   Information required for final plat submittal.
      (1)   Method and medium of presentation.
         (a)   The record plat shall be drawn on Mylar. Typically, the sheet size of the Mylar shall be 24" x 36". In certain unusual instances, as where the area to be subdivided is of unusual size or shape, the Public Works Department may permit a variation in the sheet size. If more than two sheets are required for the drafting of the final plat, an index sheet of the same dimensions shall be filed, showing the entire subdivision on one sheet and the portion thereof contained on each of the other sheets.
         (b)   Copies of the record plat shall be reproduced in the form of blueline or blackline prints on a white background.
         (c)   The final plat shall be drawn on an accurate scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch, from a field survey. Where unusual platting conditions exist, the Public Works Department may approve a modified scale.
      (2)   The first sheet of the final plat shall provide at least the following information:
         (a)   A title which includes the name of the subdivision and phasing, if applicable.
         (b)   A subtitle describing the subdivision's location by quarter section, township, range, county, and state and referencing any previous maps recorded on this property.
         (c)   Name, address, and phone number of the subdivision owner.
         (d)   Name, address, phone number, and registration number of seal of the registered land surveyor preparing the plat, including the firm name, address and phone number.
         (e)   A location map depicting the general location of the subdivision within the town.
         (f)   A dedication statement containing the following elements:
            1.   Owners name and type of ownership;
            2.   Subdivision name and sub-title;
            3.   Statement that this document sets forth the location and name of all lots, streets, tracts, parcels, easements, etc.;
            4.   A statement dedicating all public properties to the Town of Payson (public tracts, public streets, etc.);
            5.   A statement of ownership for all parcels other than the lots;
            6.   A statement granting the easements for the uses shown on the plat;
            7.   A signature by all involved in the ownership, including the mortgage company, if there is a mortgage on the property.
         (g)   A notary public acknowledgment of all signatures on the plat.
         (h)   A certification by an Arizona registered land surveyor concerning the survey, that the plat is correct and accurate, and that all monuments described have either been found or set, and the registrant's seal.
         (i)   A note limiting construction within public utility easements to utilities and wood, wire, or removable section-type fencing.
         (j)   A note stating the filing of CC& R's if there are any.
         (k)   A note stating who is responsible for maintenance of any drainage easements or facilities.
         (l)   A basis of bearing for the survey work.
         (m)   An approval by the Public Works Department.
         (n)   An approval by the Town Council and Town Clerk, including the town seal.
         (o)   Other general notes or information that may be required by the town or is deemed appropriate.
      (3)   The following minimum information shall be provided on the final plat for the subdivided property:
         (a)   Boundaries of the tract to be subdivided fully balanced and closed, showing all bearings and distances determined by an accurate field survey. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof.
         (b)   Any excepted parcels within the plat boundaries shall show all bearings and distances determined by an accurate field survey. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof.
         (c)   Location and description of cardinal points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat shall be referenced. Each of two corners of the subdivision boundary shall be tied by bearing and distance to separate acceptable government survey corners with full description of the monument approved by the Public Works Department.
         (d)   Location of all physical encroachments upon the boundaries of the property being subdivided.
      (4)   Descriptive data required.
         (a)   Street names, fully dimensioned center line and right-of-way lines, width of all public streets, alleys, easements, etc. All linear property or easement lines shall be dimensioned with bearing and distance. All curvilinear property or easement lines shall show point of curvature and point of tangency and be dimensioned with radius, delta, chord bearing and length. Non-tangent points of intersection shall also include a radial bearing. The dimensioning may be shown adjacent to the line or in a line or curve table.
         (b)   All drainage ways shall be shown on the plat. The rights-of-way of all major drainage ways, as designated by the Town Engineer, shall be dedicated to the public.
         (c)   All existing or proposed easements for public services or utilities.
         (d)   Location and dimensions of all residential lots. Dimensioning shall conform to the requirements described in division (4)(a) above.
         (e)   All residential lots shall be numbered by consecutive numbers throughout the plat beginning with lot number one. Each tract or parcel shall be uniquely identified. The intended use of each tract or parcel shall also be shown. Any exception shall also be identified. All property boundaries shall be clearly dimensioned.
         (f)   Location of all adjoining subdivisions with date and Gila County map number of recordation noted, or if unrecorded or unsubdivided, so marked.
         (g)   Any deed restrictions or restrictive covenants to be imposed upon the plat or any part thereof pertaining to the intended use of the land shall be submitted within five days after final plat filing. Deed restrictions shall in no way be less restrictive than zoning regulations imposed by the town.
(Ord. 466, passed 2-22-96; Am. Res. 2646, passed 1-5-12; Am. Ord. 818, passed 1-5-12)