(A)   The section applies only when a citizen participation plan is required by this Code.
   (B)   The applicant shall provide a written report on the results of their citizen participation efforts prior to the notice of public hearing. This report will be attached to the staff report by the Community Development Department.
   (C)   At a minimum, the citizen participation report shall include the following information:
      (1)   Details of techniques the applicant used to involve the public, including:
         (a)   Dates and locations of all meetings where citizens were invited to discuss the applicant's proposal;
         (b)   Content, dates mailed, and numbers of mailings, including letters, meeting notices, newsletters and other publications;
         (c)   Where residents, property owners, and interested parties receiving notices, newsletters, or other written materials are located; and
         (d)   The number of people that participated in the process.
      (2)   A summary of concerns, issues and problems expressed during the process, including:
         (a)   The substance of the concerns, issues, and problems;
         (b)   How the applicant has addressed or intends to address concerns, issues, and problems expressed during the process; and
         (c)   Concerns, issues and problems the applicant is unwilling or unable to address and why.
(Ord. 466, passed 2-22-96)