(A)   The Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the Paxton Fire Protection District which is established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
   (B)   The Chief in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed by the Paxton Fire Protection District Trustees and the Mayor with the consent of the City Council, on the basis of his or her qualifications. His or her appointment shall continue at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
   (C)   The Chief of the Fire Department is permitted to detail such members of the Department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recommend to the Paxton Fire Protection District Trustees and the City Council the employment of technical inspectors, who, when such authorization is made, shall be selected through an examination to determine their fitness for the position. The examination shall be open to members and non-members of the Fire Department, and the appointments made after examination shall be at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
   (D)   A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor; it shall contain all proceedings under this Code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Department decides to include therein; the Chief of the Fire Department shall also recommend any amendments to the Code which, in his or her judgment, shall be desirable.
   (E)   The Chief of the Fire Department may request and shall receive so far as may be necessary, in the discharge of his or her duties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the municipality.
(Ord. 77-2, passed 2-14-77)