For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
CITY: The city of Paul, Idaho, or the area within the city limits of the city of Paul, Idaho.
COMMON AREA(S): The area(s) of a facility, complex, apartment unit, hotel, motel or the like that are open either to the general public or persons with the permission of the owner or agent of the owner of the area. This definition would include, but not be limited to, the following: swimming pools, restaurants, patios, hot tubs, saunas, laundry rooms, meeting rooms, lobbies, lounges, bars and other areas within the facility that are either constructed or designed for use in this manner.
EMERGENCY: Any occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or imminent physical trauma or property damage demanding immediate attention.
EMERGENCY VEHICLE: Authorized emergency vehicles as defined by Idaho Code section 49-123.
LOUD AMPLIFICATION DEVICE: Any equipment designed or used for sound production, reproduction, or amplification, including, but not limited to, any radio, television, phonograph, musical instrument, stereo, tape player, compact disc player, loudspeaker, public address (PA) system, sound amplifier, or comparable sound broadcasting device.
PERSON: Any individual, association, organization, or entity having a legally recognized existence, whether public or private.
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Any building or portion thereof adapted or used and intended for the overnight accommodation of persons. In the event the building is used for multiple individual units (i.e., apartment, condominium, hotel, motel, duplex, triplex, etc.) each individual unit shall be considered a separate residence for the purposes of this chapter.
PLAINLY AUDIBLE: Sound for which the information content is clearly communicated to the listener, including, but not limited to, understandable spoken speech, comprehension of whether a voice is raised or normal, comprehensible musical rhythms, melody, or instrumentation, and the source of which is identifiable to the listener. (Ord. 2004-2, 5-12-2004)